Rubber Ducking:

After some more trying random things, I removed my call to
setErrorCallback(...) and everything seemed to start working.
Apparently on the Galaxy S (Captivate) it was reporting an error id =
0, which I was assuming (incorrectly) that it was a critical error. I
will now try putting the call back in to setErrorCallback() and try
ignoring errors when they're id is 0.

Somewhat unsatisfying, as I still don't know what's causing the errors
- but it'll have to do for now.

btw - Rubber Ducking:

On Sep 8, 5:07 pm, Sheado <> wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm stuck on this one: On Samsung Galaxy S - Camera preview starts but
> call to autofocus or takePicture fails returning 0 in the onError
> callback.
> Some things I tried (with no luck)
>  * Not adjusting Camera Parameters - some people reported that this
> helped them.
>  * compiling at different Android levels - up to 2.2
> Not sure what else I can really try. My app has been around for a year
> and works on all other Android phones I've tested on.
> Here's some logcat:
> 09-07 21:00:36.461: DEBUG/Camera-JNI(11125): dataCallback(16,
> 0x38d290)
> 09-07 21:00:36.541: DEBUG/Camera-JNI(11125): release camera
> 09-07 21:00:36.546: DEBUG/dalvikvm(11125): GC freed 2452 objects /
> 138792 bytes in 85ms
> 09-07 21:00:36.656: INFO/dalvikvm-heap(11125): Grow heap (frag case)
> to 5.151MB for 460816-byte allocation
> 09-07 21:00:36.836: DEBUG/dalvikvm(11125): GC freed 535 objects /
> 28208 bytes in 174ms
> 09-07 21:00:36.866: INFO/NotificationService(2263): enqueueToast
> pkg=.......$Stub
> $pr...@47d2a8d0 duration=0
> 09-07 21:00:36.866: DEBUG/CameraService(2207): getParameters(anti-
> shake=0;antibanding=auto;antibanding-values=auto, 50hz, 60hz,
> off;beauty-shot=0;blur=0;brightness=4;camera-
> id=1;chk_dataline=0;contrast=2;digi-zoom=0;effect=none;effect-
> values=none, mono, negative, sepia;flash-mode=off;flash-mode-
> values=off;focus-mode=auto;focus-mode-values=auto, infinity,
> macro;iso=auto;jpeg-quality=100;jpeg-thumbnail-height=192;jpeg-
> thumbnail-quality=100;jpeg-thumbnail-size-values=160x120;jpeg-
> thumbnail-width=256;metering=center;picture-format=jpeg;picture-format-
> values=jpeg;picture-size=2560x1920;picture-size-
> values=2560x1920,2048x1536,1600x1200,640x480,2560x1536,2048x1232,1600x960,800x480;preview-
> format=yuv420sp;preview-format-values=yuv420sp;preview-frame-
> rate=30;preview-frame-rate-values=15, 30;preview-size=640x480;preview-
> size-values=640x480,800x480;rotation=0;saturation=2;scene-
> mode=auto;scene-mode-values=auto, portrait, landscape, night, beach,
> snow, sunset, fireworks, sports, party,
> candlelight;sharpness=2;slow_ae=off;smart-
> auto=0;video_recording_gamma=off;vintag
> 09-07 21:00:36.871: DEBUG/CameraService(2207): setParameters(anti-
> shake=0;picture-size-
> values=2560x1920,2048x1536,1600x1200,640x480,2560x1536,2048x1232,1600x960,800x480;antibanding=auto;blur=0;digi-
> zoom=0;metering=center;sharpness=2;contrast=2;brightness=4;whitebalance=auto;jpeg-
> thumbnail-height=192;scene-mode=auto;jpeg-quality=100;preview-format-
> values=yuv420sp;rotation=0;jpeg-thumbnail-quality=100;focus-
> mode=auto;beauty-shot=0;preview-
> format=yuv420sp;vintagemode=off;preview-
> size=640x480;iso=auto;slow_ae=off;picture-format-values=jpeg;camera-
> id=1;flash-mode-values=off;preview-frame-rate-values=15,
> 30;chk_dataline=0;preview-frame-rate=15;flash-mode=off;effect-
> values=none, mono, negative, sepia;focus-mode-values=auto, infinity,
> macro;picture-size=1600x1200;effect=none;saturation=2;jpeg-thumbnail-
> width=256;whitebalance-values=auto, incandescent, fluorescent,
> daylight, cloudy-daylight;scene-mode-values=auto, portrait, landscape,
> night, beach, snow, sunset, fireworks, sports, party,
> candlelight;picture-format=jpeg;vtmode=0;jpeg-thumbnail-size-
> values=160x120;
> 09-07 21:00:36.871: DEBUG/CameraHardwareSec(2207): frame rate:15,
> mPreviewFrameRateMicrosec:66666
> 09-07 21:00:36.871: ERROR/SecCamera(2207): SetRotate(angle(0))
> 09-07 21:00:36.871: ERROR/SecCamera(2207):
> setRecordingSize(width(640), height(480))
> 09-07 21:00:37.741: WARN/PowerManagerService(2263): Timer 0x7->0x3|0x3
> 09-07 21:00:37.741: INFO/PowerManagerService(2263): ULight 7->3 f0
> 09-07 21:00:38.046: VERBOSE/SettingsProvider(2263): system <- value=0
> name=volume_system
> 09-07 21:00:38.046: VERBOSE/SettingsProvider(2263): property:
> sys.settings_system_version=4176
> 09-07 21:00:38.081: VERBOSE/SettingsProvider(2263): notifying:
> content://settings/system/volume_system
> 09-07 21:00:38.091: INFO/AudioHardwareALSA(2207): Output standby
> called!!. Turn off PCM device.
> 09-07 21:00:38.126: VERBOSE/SettingsProvider(2263): system <- value=1
> name=volume_system_last_audible
> 09-07 21:00:38.126: VERBOSE/SettingsProvider(2263): property:
> sys.settings_system_version=4177
> 09-07 21:00:38.146: VERBOSE/SettingsProvider(2263): notifying:
> content://settings/system/volume_system_last_audible
> 09-07 21:00:38.411: DEBUG/dalvikvm(2606): GC freed 1972 objects /
> 62984 bytes in 177ms
> 09-07 21:00:38.561: DEBUG/dalvikvm(2263): GC freed 13213 objects /
> 659224 bytes in 174ms
> 09-07 21:00:47.161: DEBUG/dalvikvm(2440): GC freed 4489 objects /
> 295576 bytes in 169ms
> 09-07 21:00:48.021: VERBOSE/InputDevice(2263): ID[0]=0 Dn (0=>1)
> 09-07 21:00:48.026: VERBOSE/WindowManager(2263): Dsptch 0 x777.0
> y140.0 > Window{47eeca40 ..........CaptureActivity paused=false}
> 09-07 21:00:48.221: VERBOSE/InputDevice(2263): ID[0]=0 Up (1=>0)
> 09-07 21:00:48.221: INFO/PowerManagerService(2263): ULight 3->7 f0
> 09-07 21:00:48.246: VERBOSE/WindowManager(2263): Dsptch 1 x777.0
> y140.0 > Window{47eeca40 ...........CaptureActivity paused=false}
> 09-07 21:00:48.261: WARN/System.err(11125): /sdcard/.......
> 09-07 21:00:48.956: DEBUG/CameraService(2207): autoFocus (pid 11125)
> 09-07 21:00:48.961: ERROR/CameraHardwareSec(2207): autoFocusThread()
> 09-07 21:00:51.244: WARN/PowerManagerService(2263): Timer 0x7->0x3|0x3
> 09-07 21:00:51.244: INFO/PowerManagerService(2263): ULight 7->3 f0
> 09-07 21:00:52.171: DEBUG/dalvikvm(2340): GC freed 54 objects / 1864
> bytes in 179ms
> 09-07 21:00:52.426: ERROR/CameraHardwareSec(2207):
> (autoFocusThread)For loop: af_status = 0x0, count = 325
> 09-07 21:00:52.431: DEBUG/CameraService(2207): takePicture (pid 11125)
> 09-07 21:00:52.487: ERROR/SecCamera(2207): stopPreview()
> 09-07 21:00:52.487: ERROR/SecCamera(2207): fimc_v4l2_streamoff()
> 09-07 21:00:52.501: DEBUG/SecCamera(2207): passed fmt = 1498831189
> found pixel format[3]: YUV 4:2:2 packed, CbYCrY
> 09-07 21:00:52.506: ERROR/CameraService(2207): width(640),
> height(480), format:jpeg
> 09-07 21:00:53.286: ERROR/SecCamera(2207): fimc_v4l2_streamoff()
> 09-07 21:00:53.361: DEBUG/Camera-JNI(11125): dataCallback(64,
> 0x37e6d8)
> 09-07 21:00:53.416: DEBUG/dalvikvm(11125): GC freed 875 objects /
> 511352 bytes in 52ms
> 09-07 21:00:53.416: INFO/dalvikvm-heap(11125): Grow heap (frag case)
> to 5.315MB for 614416-byte allocation
> 09-07 21:00:53.471: DEBUG/Camera-JNI(11125): dataCallback(256,
> 0x37e6d8)
> 09-07 21:00:53.471: DEBUG/dalvikvm(11125): GC freed 67 objects / 3072
> bytes in 54ms
> 09-07 21:00:53.476: DEBUG/CameraService(2207): startPreview (pid
> 11125)
> 09-07 21:00:53.476: DEBUG/CameraService(2207): startCameraMode(0) (pid
> 11125)
> 09-07 21:00:53.476: DEBUG/CameraService(2207): startPreviewMode (pid
> 11125)
> 09-07 21:00:53.476: ERROR/SecCamera(2207): stopPreview()
> 09-07 21:00:53.481: ERROR/SecCamera(2207): stopPreview:
> m_flag_camera_start is zero
> 09-07 21:00:53.481: DEBUG/SecCamera(2207): passed fmt = 825382478
> found pixel format[9]: YUV 4:2:0 planar, Y/CrCb
> 09-07 21:00:53.481: ERROR/SecCamera(2207):
> startPreview()m_preview_width: 640 m_preview_height: 480 m_angle: 0
> 09-07 21:00:53.888: ERROR/SecCamera(2207): startPreview: get the first
> frame of the preview
> 09-07 21:00:53.888: ERROR/CameraHardwareSec(2207): startPreview :
> return startPreview 0
> 09-07 21:00:53.888: DEBUG/CameraHardwareSec(2207):
> MemoryHeapBase(fd(37), size(3686464), width(640), height(480))
> 09-07 21:00:53.888: ERROR/CameraHardwareSec(2207): CameraHardwareSec:
> mPostViewWidth = 640 mPostViewHeight = 480 mPostViewSize = 614400
> 09-07 21:00:53.888: ERROR/CameraHardwareSec(2207): CameraHardwareSec:
> mRawHeap : MemoryHeapBase(previewHeapSize(614408))
> 09-07 21:00:53.896: ERROR/Camera(11125): Error 0
> 09-07 21:00:53.896: WARN/System.err(11125): ERROR:
> CaptureView.onError()
> 09-07 21:00:53.896: DEBUG/CameraService(2207): cancelAutoFocus (pid
> 11125)
> 09-07 21:00:53.936: DEBUG/CameraService(2207): stopPreview (pid 11125)
> 09-07 21:00:53.971: DEBUG/Camera-JNI(11125): dataCallback(16,
> 0x37e6d8)
> 09-07 21:00:53.981: ERROR/SecCamera(2207): stopPreview()

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