On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 12:46 PM, Romain Guy <romain...@android.com> wrote:
> Option #1 is a lot more intrusive. You lose the ability to
> automatically switch layouts, drawables, etc.

Worst-case scenario:

Step #1: Take your UI setup that is in onCreate() and move it to a
separate method (e.g., setupViews())

Step #2: Call setupViews() from onCreate()

Step #3: Call setupViews() from onConfigurationChanged()

Done. ~4 lines of code. And it's the exact same code path that a
destroy/recreate will go down, so it's not like this adds unusual
performance overhead. There are certain circumstances where this may
not work (e.g., GLSurfaceView and a game), but you needed to do extra
work for those cases, anyway, to handle the destroy/recreate cycle.

> Saving and restoring an AsyncTask is not difficult.

No, it's not. The question is: is it reliable?

None of the AsyncTask documentation (class, article, etc.) covers this
case. It *appears* that you can write an AsyncTask such that
onPostExecute() or onProgressUpdate() will not be called in the middle
of the activity transition. However, that's not documented and hence
not guaranteed, and so while I'll describe a pattern that seems to
work, I personally don't trust it any further than I can throw your
large Froyo lawn ornament. If somebody could give us the recipe that
is guaranteed to work (i.e., works today, and is going to work in
Android 2.3/3.0/Turbo System 5000), that'd be *wonderful*.

Actually, I lied earlier. I'd choose Option #4:

Option #4: Don't do the AsyncTask in an activity. Use a Service and
have it do the AsyncTask, or use an IntentService if the sole purpose
of the service is to do stuff in a background thread. In particular,
an IntentService would be good for a download that you want to happen
regardless of what may go on with an activity (e.g., Android Market
downloading an APK), and so you don't need to worry about canceling

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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