Launching via intent by some reason does not work: I see in LogCat

09-12 12:28:00.908: INFO/ActivityManager(1100): Starting activity:
Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW
(has extras) }

I do not see the name of the activity it tries to launch.

But Web brwoser shows "Web page not available" and nothing is

Launching via link does not work inside the WebView. I get the error
"URL not found" error. Launching via link in stand alone Web browser
works but displays a dialog "complete via MyApp or WebBrowser". Is
there way to suppress this dialog?

On Sep 12, 8:51 am, Mark Murphy <> wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 8:49 AM, ls02 <> wrote:
> > So, that's the link in the Web page to launch your app?
> No, that's a link to a GitHub project, demonstrating an application
> that responds to a few different link structures. The corresponding
> Web page -- referenced in the code -- is:
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons 
> Guy)||
> Android Training...At Your Office:

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