On 14 September 2010 17:24, nextgen <nextgenfant...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Thank you for this, it gives me a possible solution.  Unfortunately
> getDrawable will only take an integer as an input, which really
> defeats the simplicity of solution I'm looking for.  I can set about
> assigning integers to each team, but I'm not sure that would even do
> it because I'm not sure about the nature of the integer it wants.
> Here is the description I see in Eclipse:

    // returns ID of drawable given by name (i.e. getDrawableByName(
"app_icon" );
    public static int getDrawableByName( String name )
            int drawableId = 0;
        try {
            Class res = R.drawable.class;
            Field field = res.getField( name );
            drawableId = field.getInt(null);
        catch (Exception e) {
//              Toast.makeText(context, "DIT Service: onStartCommand()",
            Log.e("DateInTray", "Failure to get drawable: " + name, e);
        return( drawableId );

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