Personally I dislike the release overhead, but since I only ever need
to wear the cost once for any particular type of build I don't see it
as that onerous over all.
I configure my projects using maven and drop the necessary tools as
plugins into the relevant phase of the build life-cycle.
>From there on that project always builds and/or releases my component
just as specified.

And once I've configured it for one type of project (eg Android) I
1) abstract out the common strcuture from the build and publish it for
other projects to use
2) create a build template that is published for other projects to
3) copy the build to new projects

So adding a tool like ProGuard or ZipAlign or JarSigner into the build
process is simple, clear and maintainable.
But hey, I place higher value than some on those 3 : simple, clear and

On Sep 23, 2:59 pm, JP <> wrote:
> Just read the latest Android Developer blog 
> post.
> Quite the beast. And Proguard cannot even be used with confidence
> ("it’s still possible that in edge cases you’ll end up seeing
> something like a ClassNotFoundException").
> Is it just me getting irritated where this seems to be going?
> In my more active days developing, pretty graphic slang was applies to
> efforts like this: "Turd layering". Meaning: More dependencies, more
> procedure, more sources of error, and it doesn't even work "right". In
> of itself, adding innocent looking steps to a release procedure (for
> some relatively obscure benefit) might be marginally worthwhile, but
> in the bigger picture, releasing an app increasingly becomes a burden.
> Dare you miss a step. Or try to teach somebody else how to go through
> a release and verify it. Or you want to go and rebuild a development
> environment. Or lose the ominous reference file (mapping.txt)...
> Anybody care to disagree and convince me this all nice and dandy and
> we don't have to literally run for the hills?

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