On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 7:19 AM, Marco Alexander Schmitz
<marco.alexander.schm...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> as we all know in the emulator under settings we can configure out
> device.
> Are these settings views just ListViews?


> The have headings and almost every row looks different - a normal
> ListView makes all rows look the same ?!
> http://www.webinmotion.de/test/masc/device.png

You can have as many different types of rows as you want. You just
need an adapter that generates them. A simple adapter, like
ArrayAdapter or SimplerCursorAdapter, cannot do that. You need smarter
row-creation methods, plus override methods like getViewTypeCount()
and getItemViewType().

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
http://commonsware.com | http://github.com/commonsguy
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