The GLES20Activity in the API Demos uses an alternate OpenGL ES 1.x
render implementation when it detects that OpenGL ES 2.0 is not
supported, like on the emulator. Look at the source code. That's
pretty much the whole point of that sample activity.

On Oct 1, 6:50 am, Andy <> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I need to work on OpenGL ES 2.0 for android. As a first step I tried
> compiling APIDemo application available in sample directory that comes
> with SDK. And my observations are as follows:
> 1) Android-8 SDK has extended OpenGL ES 2.0 class/APIs that are not
> available on earlier releases.
> 2) APIDemo application has been updated to demonstrate the
> class/API usage.
> But over reading many postings on, I see that
> many people say that OpenGL ES 2.0 applications cannot be run on
> emulator and such application need real hardware.
> But I was able to run the API demo application on emulator as well.
> So I am really confused why it is said that we cannot run the 2.0
> applicaiton on emulator? Can anyone explain me?
> Thanks in advance!

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