Because I was asked by several to share the code I used for capturing
from the camera, here is where I got the idea from:

On 27 Σεπτ, 17:29, Christina Loop <> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> The problem I have is in the implementation of a video streaming
> application. What I need to do is to stream live what I record with
> the androids' camera, to a remote computer. I managed to establish a
> connection between the mobile phone and the computer, but I do not
> know how to send the video.
>  I searched through forums, and I found out that in order to send a
> streaming video you have you use the ParcelFileDescriptor. So I
> created an instance of MediaRecorder with encoding H263 and .mp4 file
> format, I created a Socket and then I created a new
> ParcelFileDescriptor connecting it with the socket. If that is correct
> then the android application that I created is functional.
>  What I don't know now is what to do at the side of the computer in
> order to receive and view the streaming video. I tried using JMF, but
> it doesn't support .mp4 video files. What do you suggest me to do? Or
> where to look in order to find a solution?
> Thank you in advance,
> Christina

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