Thank you all!


On okt. 5, 01:40, DanH <> wrote:
> > I think the main difference here is that I am not discounting alternative 
> > approaches.
> I'll admit that I overspoke slightly when I said it was "dumb" to use
> a DB in this case.  I wouldn't say that it's smart or at all optimal,
> but it's not as outrageous as some other setups I've seen.  But it
> seems a bit silly to me to be working on Android, that is so heavily
> (over) optimized in favor of "lightweight", and then use a database
> sledgehammer to kill a tiny data access fly.
> (Incidentally, I used a binary radix tree (a form of trie) in the
> project that I'm just completing on a different platform.  Used it to
> find data (via a KWIC index) in an SQL DB, since regular searching is
> so awkward on a phone.)
> On Oct 4, 6:25 pm, Tom Gibara <> wrote:
> > > There's no index "lookup" -- it's a "look-at" operation -- no
> > searching.
> > I didn't mean to imply that there was searching.
> > And you have to write the code to build the other ways too.  One way
> > or another there must be logic to read the (presumably plain-text)
> > source file and insert it into:
> > -- An XML document
> > -- An SQL row
> > -- Something else
> > The android SDK comes bundled with sqlite3 which includes an import command
> > which could help a lot (I've not used it so I couldn't say for sure).
> > And with both the XML document and the SQL row you still need some
> > logic on the other end to extract the data and make it "live", so no
> > savings there (probably a loss).
> > Not sure where XML has come into it, but as for a SQL database, yes, this
> > will need to be copied out of the raw resources before it can be opened and
> > used as such. I didn't say that a database is less work, I wanted to draw
> > attention to the fact that the algorithmics are only part of the effort
> > involved.
> > In terms of dynamic update, you've got a problem in any case as to how
> > you manage that atomically.  Easiest is to download the new files and
> > then swap them in in place of the old, a simple process, and no more
> > subject to problems on a crash (actually less so) than swapping in a
> > new copy of the DB.
> > I anticipate that swapping out a copy of the DB would only require the
> > additional step of first closing it beforehand and reopening it afterwards
> > -- little different than closing and reopening the 'packed string' file. Of
> > course, with such a file, you are limited to supplying complete updates (or
> > at best incremental updates) to the file. A database affords more
> > flexibility.
> > And the OP specifically framed it as a read-only data problem.
> > The absence of a requirement stating that data are changeable is not the
> > same thing as the stated requirement that they are not. I think the main
> > difference here is that I am not discounting alternative approaches -- I
> > have used a compact frequency weighted trie to package a 250k word corpus
> > into an apk and I wouldn't have considered a sqlite DB for this task --
> > whereas you have said it's dumb to use a database. I don't think it is
> > necessarily dumb, even if there are more efficient alternatives, because
> > applications evolve, and a database might actually be less work in the long
> > run.
> > Tom

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