There are phones that provide USB based networking in their firmware: my
Motorola Milestone does this, maybe some of the newer HTC phones as well
(although that one is just a guess, based on them having USB tethering).

The phone, then, looks like a USB network adapter to the computer, with its
own address.

The downside is that it's only available on certain phones, and is affected
by the USB mode that can be changed by the user.

Kostya Vasilyev --

13.10.2010 11:16 пользователь "FrankG" <> написал:

Hi Perumal

more and more phone provide different usb modes .. and some
manufacturer make
an implicit usb mode switch, means they load at first a driver and
software ( from a cdrom image
on the phone) and then change to a complex usb mode. You will also
phones which make an automount of the sdcard during the mode switch,
but you cannot rely
on it. I think too you should better use wifi for your ideas, as the
different phones can behave very different
in relation to usb.

Good luck  !


On 13 Okt., 03:06, perumal316 <> wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> Yes, wifi and Bluetoo...
> > Android 2.2 Programming Books: Zitierten
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