I just started working with expandablelists in android 2.2 and I have
run into this same problem.  I never used them in prior versions of
android, but I just fired up an emulator with 1.6 and saw that the
setSelectedGroup() function did exactly what I wanted.  Did you come
up with a solution?  I looked into the "smoothScroll" functions, but
it seems like they are not implemented in the ExpandableListView
class.  There also seems to be a bug with the "smoothScroll" functions
in regular listviews as well, 

On Aug 16, 3:54 pm, "thilo.haged...@googlemail.com"
<thilo.haged...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> For a better handling and overview in expandableLists I would like to
> show only the childelements of the last selected group - the
> previously expanded group should be automaticly collapsed. The
> groupheader of the expanded group should be als aligned to the top of
> the screen to show the user that he's in the right group and that he
> can start to read the group childs from the beginning.
> This worked well with the following code until now (android 1.5 - 2.1)
> but with android 2.2 the selection seems to work after the collapse
> method call:
> private int currentHourPosition = -1;
> private ExpandableListView expandableListView;
>             @Override
>             public void onGroupExpand(int groupPosition) {
>                 super.onGroupExpand(groupPosition);
>                 if(currentHourPosition != -1 && currentHourPosition !=
> groupPosition){
>                         expandableListView.collapseGroup(currentHourPosition);
>                 }
>                 currentHourPosition = groupPosition;
>                 expandableListView.setSelectedGroup(groupPosition);
>                 }
> If a group is selected by touch and expanded it should collapse the
> previously expanded group (if one exists). To align the groupheader to
> the top of the screen the method "setSelectedGroup(groupPosition)" is
> called.
> Without collapsing a group (e.g. if you close the group manually
> before you open another) the selection is done correctly, otherwise
> the list entries of the expanded group are shown somewhere in the
> middle and not at the top as expected.
> Has someone a solution or workaround for this issue?
> The new API method smoothScrollToPosition (API level 8) is also not
> working in this case.
> I mentioned this issue also 
> here:http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=9177

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