Thanks for the tip.  I have installed the Eclipse Memory Analyzer Tool
and have been able to get a heap dump from my application to inspect,
but I am having trouble interpreting what I see.  If I choose to look
at the 'dominator_tree. and sort by package it appears to show my
objects. I have a custom view group 'GViewGroup', and can find each
one listed in the analyzer and I am able match them up with the ones
that I logged as they were created.  Each of the GViewGroup objects
has a ImageView object attached to it.  To be able to easily identify
these, I created my own custom GImageView class which extends
ImageView.  This class adds nothing, except it logs the creation and
finialization of the class.

Now when I look in the memory Analyzer, none of the the GImageView
objects appear in the list (only the class object for GImageView).
Yet, if I search for the memory address of one of these objects (that
I get from the logging), it shows up.  In addition, if I expand one of
the GViewGroup objects, I see that it references a GImageView object.
Why don't the GImageView objects show up in the list.  How can I get a
complete list of all the GImageView objects?


On Oct 18, 12:44 pm, Kostya Vasilyev <> wrote:
>   If I can make one more suggestion.... since you mention bitmaps....
> It might be useful to add explicit Java methods to clean up your objects
> that hold references to bitmaps, and call Bitmap.recycle(). This method
> immediately frees up the memory allocated to hold bitmap bits, leaving
> only the Java stub that's quite small, and can be dealt with by GC at a
> later time.
> -- Kostya
> 18.10.2010 23:35, DanH пишет:
> > Kostya's link was a good one.
> > On Oct 18, 2:17 pm, John Gaby<>  wrote:
> >> It is funny that you mention images, because I am pretty sure that my
> >> leak is associated with images not being freed.
> >> Can you point me to a reference that discusses the heap dumping tools?
> >> Thanks again
> >> On Oct 18, 11:35 am, DanH<>  wrote:
> >>> You probably do need one of the tools that dumps the heap and shows
> >>> you the classes of the objects found.
> >>> And do note that Android (outside of the pure Java issues) has
> >>> "issues" of its own with regard to image storage.  You can obey all of
> >>> the Java rules on clearing references and still get bit by Android
> >>> images.
> >>> On Oct 18, 12:41 pm, John Gaby<>  wrote:
> >>>> So there is no way to force all objects that no longer have references
> >>>> to them to be garbage collected?
> >>>> Once again, I really don't need to know when the object is actually
> >>>> freed.  What I am interested in is finding out whether it CAN be
> >>>> freed.  That is whether all the references to it are gone.  In my real
> >>>> application, the objects in questions are much larger and more
> >>>> complex.  Yet, I never see the finalize called for them.  This make me
> >>>> think that I still have references to them, but since I don't see the
> >>>> finalize called even in a simple case where I am sure there are no
> >>>> references, I cannot be sure.  I definitely have a leak, however,
> >>>> since if I perform the same operation enough times, the application
> >>>> eventually gets an Out Of Memory error.
> >>>> I am taking a look at using ReferenceQueue, or PhantomReference for
> >>>> that purpose but they seem to be way more complicated that I need.
> >>>> Thanks again.
> >>>> On Oct 18, 10:21 am, DanH<>  wrote:
> >>>>> I doubt that adding content to the object would make it any more
> >>>>> likely to be collected.  The garbage collector doesn't generally
> >>>>> "weigh" objects as to whether they should be collected or not.  The
> >>>>> only differentiating factors are 1) the absolute size of the object
> >>>>> itself (not counting references to other objects), 2) the number of
> >>>>> times the object has "survived" garbage collection, and (sometimes) 3)
> >>>>> the class of the object.
> >>>>> On Oct 18, 11:57 am, Daniel Drozdzewski<>
> >>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>> On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 5:54 PM, Daniel Drozdzewski
> >>>>>> <>  wrote:
> >>>>>>> On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 5:40 PM, John Gaby<>  wrote:
> >>>>>>>> Thanks for the input.  I am a little confused about your comment:
> >>>>>>>> 'The fact that you did not see the log from finalize() does not mean
> >>>>>>>> it did not happen.'
> >>>>>>> It is possible that the finalize() has been called at much later 
> >>>>>>> point.
> >>>>>>> I should have probably said that lack of finalize() does not mean that
> >>>>>>> the memory has not been regained.
> >>>>>>> As Dan points out, finalizers don't necessary run.
> >>>>>>> If Android decided to kill the process running finished application,
> >>>>>>> then it would simply do it on a system level, without trying to clean
> >>>>>>> the heap within that VM first.
> >>>>>>> If you want to see finalizers at work, allocate many objects that you
> >>>>>>> don't hold on to:
> >>>>>>>         for(int i=0; i<10000; i++ ) {
> >>>>>>>             MyClass x = new MyClass();
> >>>>>>>         }
> >>>>>>> ...and then call the following:
> >>>>>>>         System.runFinalization();
> >>>>>>>         System.gc();
> >>>>>>> You should see your log statements.
> >>>>>> btw, it would also help, if you made MyClass a bit "heavier" say by
> >>>>>> adding a member String and assigning to it some longish string literal
> >>>>>> in MyClass' constructor.
> >>>>>> --
> >>>>>> Daniel Drozdzewski
> --
> Kostya Vasilyev -- WiFi Manager + pretty widget 
> --

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