My app may launch a sub-activity for a specific purpose. When that activity finishes, I get the results in onActivityResult. These results are then processed in the subsequent onResume. This consists of a setContentView and also starting an AsyncTask that puts up a ProgressDialog.

This all works well when initiated the normal way, which is via a user request (i.e., menu selection) after the app is up and running. However, under some conditions I need to do this right as the app is starting up, so I initiate this sequence right from my onCreate. What then happens is that I get fatal ResourceNotFound errors within any o/s call that implicitly calls the layout inflater. I got around this with setContentView by pre-inflating the view in my onCreate method, but the AsyncTask's onPreExecute still fails on as it "fails to find" Android's own progress_dialog.xml!

Anyone know what's happening here?

I suspect it's something to do with the timing, where this is occurring before the main activity has even had a chance to display its screen. These calls are all being made on the main UI thread, but maybe something hasn't completed within the o/s under these conditions.

  Doug Gordon
  GHCS Software

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