I've solved this myself.  I was using "addArc(...)"  to add arcs to my path.

Apparently  the correct  call to use is "arcTo(...)".  It works perfectly

Hopefully  someone else can get some benefit  from  it.

-----Original Message-----
From: BRebey [mailto:b...@rebey.com] 
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 2:01 PM
To: Android Developers
Subject: PathShape not closing paths correctly

I'm having trouble getting paths to close correctly.  The problem
appears to be  consistent from API 8 (Android  2.2)  back through API
4  (Android 1.6).  Emulators exhibit  the problem, as does my 2.2

It seems that Android doesn't  "think" that a  path is closed, even
though the path starts (via path.moveTo(...)) and ends (via
path.lineTo(...))  at exactly  the same coordinates.

If I call "path.closePath()" to  ensure that the path is closed, an
errant line segment is drawn,  which indicates to me that the path is
"confused" about being open/closed, or about which point is the
beginning/ending point in the path.

A very short but complete application  is included below that
demonstrates the problem.

Any help  with what is wrong  would be appreciated.

**An image of the results is here:**

The failing code:
**(testShape.java, in src/pkgs/testShape)**

package pkgs.testShape;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.Context;
import android.graphics.*;
import android.graphics.drawable.ShapeDrawable;
import android.graphics.drawable.shapes.*;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.AbsoluteLayout;
import android.widget.TextView;

@SuppressWarnings({"deprecation"})      // AbsoluteLayout is deprecated;
this quiets warnings
public class Sandbox extends Activity
        // For convenience - just to use the shorter Class name
        private class Params extends AbsoluteLayout.LayoutParams{Params (int
ia,int ib,int ic,int id)

        private class TestShapeView extends View
                ShapeDrawable mDrawable;
                public TestShapeView (Context context, Paint.Style style,
                        Path path = new Path();
                        path.moveTo(50, 0);
// Rect: l,
t, r, b,
                        path.addArc(new RectF(  0,   0,  50,  50),   0,
90);    // Angles:
Start, Sweep
                        path.addArc(new RectF( 25,  50,  75, 100), 180,
                        path.addArc(new RectF( 50,  50, 100, 100),  90,
                        path.addArc(new RectF( 50,   0, 100,  50),   0,
                        path.lineTo(50,0);      // Closes the path - right
back where we started
                        if (bClose)
                                path.close();   // Souldn't be necessary -
path is closed anyway
                        mDrawable=new ShapeDrawable(new PathShape(path, 110,
110));  // 110,
110  = H, W
                        mDrawable.setBounds(0, 0, 110, 110);    // Left,
Top, Right, Bottom -
Location & size
                protected void onDraw(Canvas
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
                AbsoluteLayout layout = new AbsoluteLayout(this);       //
Params are:
                TextView t;
                layout.addView(new TestShapeView(this, Paint.Style.FILL,
true ),
                                           new Params (110, 110,   0,
                t=new TextView(this);t.setText("Closed-FILL");
                        layout.addView(t,new Params (200, 30,   0,   120));
                layout.addView(new TestShapeView(this, Paint.Style.STROKE,
true ),
                                           new Params (110, 110, 200,
                t=new TextView(this);t.setText("Closed-STROKE");
                        layout.addView(t,new Params (200, 30, 200,   120));
                layout.addView(new TestShapeView(this, Paint.Style.FILL,
                                           new Params (110, 110,   0, 170));
                t=new TextView(this);t.setText("NOT Closed-FILL");
                        layout.addView(t,new Params (200, 30,   0,   290));
                layout.addView(new TestShapeView(this, Paint.Style.STROKE,
                                           new Params (110, 110, 200, 170));
                t=new TextView(this);t.setText("NOT Closed-STROKE");
                        layout.addView(t,new Params (200, 30, 200,   290));

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