Are you using version 3.6 of Eclipse by any chance?  I had no end of
problems with that version and switched back to 3.5.  I later read
somewhere that there are know issues with 3.6, but the post didn't say
what they were.

On Oct 25, 10:36 pm, Andrew Smith <> wrote:
> Dear all,
> First time posting here, and I write in severe desperation! :-)
> I'm using Eclipse. Today I made an error when adding a class to my
> project. Instead of creating a file called I created it
> as ClassName. So I deleted it, created and wrote the
> code. When I launched the app on my phone it crashed immediately.
> This is a huge project that has been in development for 4 months,
> mostly 16-hour days. Now for some reason it is crashing in the
> onCreate routine of my Activity class.
> These lines work:
> super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
> requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE);
> getWindow().setFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN,
> WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN);
> This line crashes:
> g.assetManager=this.getAssets();
> ("g" is a class used for global variables. "assetManager" is defined
> as public static AssetManager assetManager)
> Another project, which launches in the same way, still works
> perfectly.
> I can only assume that something, somewhere, has become corrupted.
> When I tell you that I have been trying to fix this problem for the
> past 4 hours you can imagine that I have tried all of the obvious
> solutions -- restoring from backup, deleting Eclipse project files,
> reinstalling the Android SDK, etc. I have even re-created my project
> with a different package name. Nothing has worked.
> Does anybody have any idea what may have happened, and how to fix it?
> Please help!

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