Hello there, i've 2 android applications.

The first one "A" will be signed with 2 certificates:

 - C_1
 - C_2

"A" have broadcastreceiver with the permission setted to
android:protectionLevel="signature" and it has a shared User id with a
system process which has been signed with C_1.

The second Application "B" wants to use this broadcast receiver.

Now, i've the complete control on the C_2 certificate and a third
party agency would sign the "A" application with the C_1 certificate.
For now i'm using the android debug certificate instead of C_1

I've done some kind of tests in order to see what happens in the
following scenarios:

 - If i sign "A" with C_1 and "B" with C_1 everything works
 - If i sign "A" with both (in order) C_1 and C_2 , and i sign "B"
with C_2 it does not work
 - If i sign "A" with both (in order) C_2 and C_1 , and i sign "B"
with C_2 it does not work
 - If i sign "A" with both ( no matter what order ) C_1 and C_2, and i
sign "B" with C_1 it does work!

I think that the sharedUid things in the manifest is causing

I'm working with an android 2.1-update1 device.

Any little help would be appreciate. Thanks

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