I'm not following you very well. I assume you mean that if you add the phone
number, then the back button does take the user back to your activity, but
without the phone number, the back button takes the user to the home screen.
I also assume that what you mean by "native homescreen" is the same as when
the user presses the home bvutton on the phone.

If that's the case, I think you should expalan your use case better. If the
dialer behavior for the back button is different when a phone number is
provided or not, that might by an Android OS issue, or an issue in your use

I also don't understand you're introducing a possible issue with using a
dialog. AFAIK, you would have to call startActivity(Intent) in the activity,
after the dialog has been closed.

You also have not indicated what phone and API level you are having this
issue on. But perhaps if my assumption is correct, you can get the back
button to work correctly if you supply the dialer with a phone number?

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