Yes, really moronic.

There are a lot of really smart people at Google. And then there are
things like this. It's hard to believe it's the same company.

For we developers, there are several techniques to deal with this,
including dynamic HTML, browser detection, redirection....

What I do is, give out a link to my own web site. I detect the
browser, and on the device, redirect to the market URL. Otherwise,
they get my product landing page.

So Google's web crawler does not see a broken link -- it sees what I
want it to see, which is what I want anyone to see who isn't on their

Ideally, I'd detect if they have the market installed, but feh, I
doubt I can do that.

Of all the things you can criticize Android for, nothing comes close
to how poorly thought out the Market is. It's not a matter of a lack
of resources. Most of the problems with it wouldn't have required more
work -- just a basic understanding of what it needs to do.

Like, serving up the descriptive content regardless of the platform. I
presume this was a marketing decision -- but a dumb one. Really dumb.
You want to SHOW OFF what's available on the market, even if you
disallow actual download! Undermining and concealing the value of your
own brand -- sheesh.

Or setting a half-way reasonable limit on product description length.
Or more than two screenshots.

No extra work there, just needed a better decision.

Admittedly, it might have taken an extra day or two to implement
release/change descriptions.

Of course, the other big issue is non-technical -- countries of
availability. I won't even speculate.

Overall, I suspect the Market has been viewed in Google as a lever
with the device manufacturers and carriers, which seems to be the
focus of their marketing. They appear to have had decent success
there, in a difficult venue, so I can't find fault there.

But in terms of Google, themselves, and their consideration of their
marketing impact with end consumers, well...

On Nov 16, 1:45 pm, Nathan <> wrote:
> The link to your listing will return 404 on anything besides an
> Android. Yes really. To get a link that will work, you might have to
> use Android Zoom or another Market scraper.
> For entertainment, try an Adwords ad that links to your listing and
> watch it not get approved because the url doesn't work.
> And just wait for Google to penalize your website for having a broken
> link. :(
> Nathan

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