Sorry, there is nothing available to find out when the device is being
turned off.

On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 5:37 AM, Jon Colverson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello.
> Part of the app I'm writing is a Service that does some work. If it
> hasn't finished when the user switches the device off I'd like to be
> able to save my state to a file and then restart the Service when the
> device starts up again.
> I can see how to start it up again (receive the ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED
> Intent), but I can't figure out a way to run the saving code on
> shutdown. I was expecting my Service's onDestroy() to be called, but
> this doesn't seem to be the case.
> Thanks.
> --
> Jon
> >

Dianne Hackborn
Android framework engineer

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