On Jan 5, 12:57 am, Serdel <adam.lichwierow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have accomplished sth. by using the ByteArrayOutputStream - I divide
> the recorder short sample into 2 bytes. Thats again - not as efficient
> as It could be but significantly faster than ArrayList....
> Regarding your code.
> System.arraycopy(mReceivedAudioBufferSrt, 0,
> mRecordingDesc.mRecordingSrt, mRecordingEndPos, mBufferFrames);
> What are the declarations of:
> a) mReceivedAudioBufferSrt
> b) mRecordingDesc.mRecordingSrt

double audioRecordBuffersPerSec = (double) sampleRate / (double)
(mBufferFrames / numChannels);
int recordingNumAudioRecordBuffers = (int) (audioRecordBuffersPerSec *
mRecordingNumFrames = mBufferFrames * recordingNumAudioRecordBuffers;
mReceivedAudioBufferSrt = new short[mBufferFrames];
mRecordingDesc.mRecordingSrt = new short[mRecordingNumFrames *

I'm not actually looking at my code too carefully, I'm just
regurgitating it for you.  I would have to study it a bit more to grok
the deeper concepts, but that's certainly *what* it's doing...if not
so much *why* it's doing it that particular way.  :-D

> I guest that a) is either an byte or short array (depending on your
> PCM encoding).

It does look that way.

> But most important what is b)? Is it an Array?


> If it is an Array how do you set the size of it ?

"Very carefully" from the look of things above.  :-)  Sigh, it's
certainly a bit tricky.

> At
> least in my app the recording is controlled by start/stop buttons so I
> can't predict how long would it be... Or is it another type of
> container/stream?

Ah, now I see.  You have a different problem than I did.  My app isn't
a recording app, it's a real-time audio analyzer.  I allocate the
largest possible buffer I can fit into RAM and use that for
recording.  When I fill the buffer my app offers the option of
automatically stopping the recording or looping back to the beginning
of the buffer for the purpose of "neverending realtime analysis" such
that the final accumulated recording always represents the most recent
duration of time of length limited by the RAM buffer.  After recording
stops, my app offers the option of dumping the buffer to a file on
disk, but this is secondary to the app's primary purpose as a real-
time analyzer.  As such, my app cannot record for tremendously long
periods of time (and has received some rude 1-star comments to that
effect by morons who fail to honor the fact that it is, at heart, a
real-time analyzer and not a recorder.  I wish people like that would
just disappear off the face of the Earth and leave the rest of us
alone.......but that's a discussion for another day.

> I still am not able to run ENCODING_PCM_8BIT - the getMinBufferSize
> functions returns -2 when I use ENCODING_PCM_8BIT as an argument. I
> tried setting up a fixed value of ie 200000 but still no progress -
> it's seems stupid that 16 bits is working and 8 bits is not working.
> Every phone uses 8bits encoding for transferring human voice...

My app has as a little utility in it that performs a full scan of all
possible recording settings.  It tries every sampling rate between 1
and 44100 with both 1 and 2 byte sample sizes (I fixed the number of
channels at 1, no point in trying 2 on a mono-mic I figure).  After
the scan the app then knows the full capability of the phone and can
limit the options is presents to the user to those which are supported
by the hardware.  I forget off the top of my head whether my G1
supports 8-bit samples.  It would seem logical for the reason you just
stated, but I don't recall for sure.

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