On Jan 12, 2:59 am, prachi <prachi.tya...@wipro.com> wrote:
> Hi
> Iam developing an augmented reality browser on my ownn...........But
> not able to get the screen cooridinates....
> I will discuss my whole problem here.....as im not sure at which point
> i stuck up...
> I hav a set of latitude longitude values for different points.Taking
> them Iam calculating x,y,z coordinates for each point.Using left
> handed rule ie.x towards east y towards north and z upwards
> values which i get are:-
> x=(a+altitude)*(Math.cos(latitude)*Math.sin(longitude));//x
> y=(a+altitude)*Math.sin(latitude);//y
> z=(a+altitude)*(Math.cos(latitude)*Math.cos(longitude));//z
> where a=app 80m i have taken radius of earth.The origin is defined to
> be at centre of earth(ECEF)
> SensorManager.getRotationMatrix(RTmp, I, grav, mag);
>                 SensorManager.remapCoordinateSystem(RTmp, 
> SensorManager.AXIS_X,
> SensorManager.AXIS_Z, R);
>                 SensorManager.getOrientation(R, values);
>                 azimuth = (float)((values[0])*(180/Math.PI)); //in degree
>                 pitch = (float)((values[1])*(180/Math.PI)); //in degree
>                 roll = (float)((values[2])*(180/Math.PI)); //in degree
> Then using perspective projection Iam calculating screen coordinates.
> Iam refering below link for perspective projection:--
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3D_projection#Perspective_projection
> In the above link Iam replacing thetax with pitch,thetay with
> roll,thetaz with azimuth.
> Watever screen coordinates i got from above calculations Iam plotting
> a circle using canvas.But Iam unable to see anything.
> Pleae help as Iam stuck up with this for the past 3 dayzzz :( :(

Hard to give a direct answer from that far. Did you fire up the
debugger and check the coordinate values you get? If they "hit" the
screen and you do not "see anything", the problem is some place else,
drawing the overlay. (This doesn't mean you've necessarily got the
math right, but at least it's a start).

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