Thanks for your reply. I have thought about that, but can't find a
good solution for that either. Sure, nobody needs them all at zoomed
out level. But the user needs to see that there are at least some at a
location (like I said, whole country). So I would have to, don't know,
show only one in ten or something like that. They are clustered in the
mountains and far between in other areas. Meaning I would have to
calculate, what? The distance between all points? How would I decide
which to display and which not to display?
The problem gets even more complicated, as there are even some points
in other countries all over the world (very few but increasing with
use), so the users DO zoom in and out a lot. Thats why they need to
see in which countries/areas there are some points.

Hmh... But you are right, if I want to grow my app there has to be a
way to decide which points to display if there is a performance
penalty for each point.


On 13 Jan., 16:28, TreKing <> wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 1:10 AM, Stephan Wiesner <
> > wrote:
> > Any hints?
> Don't show 7,000 items. Seriously, what user needs to see or interact with
> 7,000 items, particularly at a zoomed out level where most probably overlap
> anyway?
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ----------------------
> TreKing <> - Chicago
> transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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