
Have you verified your JavaScript isn't already executed before this
event occurs?


On Jan 20, 9:43 am, jamesh <jameshug...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to add Java objects to a WebView, such that they are
> available to Javascript.
> I can prove that if I do:
> mWebView.addJavascriptInterface(myAvailableAtLoadTimeObject,
> "MyJavaObject");
> mWebView.load("file:///android_assets/index.html");
> I can call methods from Javascript:
> MyJavaObject.callableFunction(); // callableFunction is a Java method
> on myAvailableAtLoadTimeObject.
> or from Java:
> mWebView.loadUrl("javascript:MyJavaObject.callableFunction();");
> However, if WebViewClient.onPageFinished() has occurred, and then I
> try:
> mWebView.addJavascriptInterface(myAvailableOnlyLaterObject,
> "MyLateJavaObject");
> mWebView.loadUrl("javascript:MyLateJavaObject.callableFunction();");
> I get an error reported from Javascript:
> Uncaught ReferenceError: MyLateJavaObject is not defined
> What am I missing, or doing wrong?
> Thanks,
> James

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