Unless I dont understand the question correctly,
Camera.setParameters() should do what you need.

Hope this helps.

Stephen Lebed

On Feb 10, 9:28 am, Joe McCann <joseph.is...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to avoid having to rewrite the Android source for the
> native camera app (as it is a cluster***k of code), but am curious as
> to the proper, most efficient away of being able to update the Camera
> Parameters AFTER the SurfaceView of the Camera has been created and
> "opened".
> For example, if you have a button that toggles the setting of On, Off,
> or Auto for the Flash, this initial parameter value is set when the
> Camera is initialized (let's say Auto by default, if, of course, the
> device supports it).  If you want to switch it to Off, WHILE the
> current view is the instance of the Camera/SurfaceView, you press the
> button and it "sets" the new parameter to the camera to "OFF";
> however, the CURRENT instance of the camera does not update it's
> camera settings, meaning if you take the picture the Auto flash
> setting is still enabled.
> Now, if you say launch a new Activity, like a Preferences screen, and
> then go back to the Camera view, the camera now has the "OFF"
> setting.  This clearly has to do with the surfaceChanged() method as
> it is grabbing the NEW camera parameters and updating the camera
> settings to reflect that.
> In a nutshell, I'm wondering if there is a way inside to update the
> CURRENT instance of the Camera and what a preferred approach would be.
> Thanks!

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