I am curious why if in your onDestroy you shut down any tasks/threads, your
app would still show up? I would think it would exit properly if you wanted
it to. Perhaps I misunderstood that. I thought if the lifecycle onDestroy
fires, that meant your app (or at least the activity) was going to be done.
If you only have one activity then your app should essentially close. If
your app is made of multiple activities, then calling finish() does that not
end the activity? Assuming you have 3 or 4 running, and you call that on all
of them, wouldn't your app shut down?

I see I still need to learn more on the lifecycle stuff.

On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 11:42 AM, Kostya Vasilyev <kmans...@gmail.com>wrote:

> 14.02.2011 22:28, John пишет:
>  A user who has downloaded my app probably won't take time to ask me
>> why my app is still running. He will merely look at the task manager
>> and form a bad opinion of my app.
> Yes they can. However, not all users use task killers, and among those who
> do, some do email and ask.
>  Misguided as this user may be, I have an unverified belief that many
>> such users exist.
> Some do, and sometimes they post bad comments that may or may not affect
> other user's perception of your app. In general, users are just human, and
> they can misjudge any particular feature or lack thereof and complain.
> This used to really get on my nerves, now I'm a few months older and a few
> notches wiser - or just more cynical, but that's healthy cynicism.
> And speaking of that:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cynicism
>  They believed [...] suffering was caused by false judgments of what was
>> valuable and by the worthless customs and conventions which surrounded
>> society
> It fits perfectly - in this case, suffering is caused by the false judgment
> that a task killer is valuable, and by the worthless custom and convention
> of downloading and using one :)
> --
> Kostya Vasilyev -- http://kmansoft.wordpress.com
> --
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