What is the class that you get the NoClassDefFoundError for?  It may be that
the jar is trying to use a class that is available with standard Java but is
not available through Android.

On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 6:15 PM, scott_ggle <sch...@comcast.net> wrote:

> I am writing a test application using JmDNS which is java lib for
> multicast DNS discovery. (downloaded from http://jmdns.sourceforge.net/).
> The exception is thrown at creation of an instance of the class. This
> indicate the class definition is not found as I understand it. So it
> looks like there is problem in including the jar in the project. I
> added the jar file as user library. Here is the steps.
> 1. Right-click the project in Eclipse and select “Build Path -> Add
> Libraries…”.
> 2. Select User Library from the list and click Next.
> 3. Click the “User Libraries…” button.
> 4. Click “New…” in the User Libraries dialog.
> 5. Give the user library a name and select the System library checkbox
> and click OK.
> 6. Highlight the newly added user library in the list and click the
> “Add JARs…” button and add the desired jar files.
> 7. Click OK on the User Libraries dialog.
> 8. Make sure the new user library is checked in the Add Library dialog
> and …
> Additional information:
> - No problem if I build/run the application as Java application
> instead of Andriod application. Tried Eclipse both on Mac and Windows
> got the same error.
> - Got the same error on AVD or on actual device.
> - Tried other form of constructor as well.
> Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
> Scott
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