
I am trying to achieve something like a controlled or 'staged' boot
process, where I can make sure that a specific program or script is
executed first in the init process and then the remainnig services are

I was able to start my own services from the init script (init.rc) in
Android, following the guides found at:
http://www.androidenea.com/2009/08/init-process-and-initrc.html or
with the official documentation found at

There is a trigger called "on service-exit-<name>" where 'name' is the
name of the service which has to exit before the actions of this
trigger are executed.
However, this trigger does not seem to work. I started a small shell
script as a service and created the trigger accordingly to start all
remaining services afterwards. The init process seems to be stuck
after the execution of my script and does not continue with the
remaining services.

Example layout:

on boot
#default entries
    # changed from start of default services to class initialize
    class_start initialize

#service section for my own app to be started first before anything
service runfirst /system/bin/logwrapper /sbin/myapp
    class initialize

on service-exited-runfirst
    #start remaining services
    class_start default

# further service descriptions, e.g.
service zygote

Any help on that subject is very much appreciated.

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