What is the bug report?  I don't see any link you have posted to it here.
 Nor do I see a self-contained sample I can run to try to repro the problem.

And I have not yet seen you post anything that sounds like it is
misbehaving.  Yes, a service will occasionally get killed if it has not used
startForeground().  No, it will not get onStartCommand() called when this
happens, only onCreate().

I have written a lot of documentation as well as a blog post and sample code
on how the service lifecycle works.  Yes, there was a change to this in 2.0
that turned off the old setForeground() API because applications were
abusing it too much.  Sometimes given a choice between really bad
application behavior and changing the framework behavior that apps see, the
latter makes sense.

On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 5:08 PM, Jake Basile <jakerbas...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It's been a month, and this regression bug still hasn't even been reviewed.
> I have since replaced my Nexus S due to it being full of other problems, and
> it still happens; a friend of mine updated his Nexus One to 2.3.3, and now
> Hearing Saver doesn't work in exactly the same way on his phone. I'm stuck
> putting in a kludge of a workaround to handle this error that is caused
> solely by an OS version change, as I see no future to it being looked at or
> fixed. I stress  that I made no code changes to cause this problem which did
> not occur on previous version, while this page of the Android Documentation
> directly states:
> an Android application developed using any given version of the API (as
> specified by its API Level) is forward-compatible with later versions of the
> Android platform and higher API levels
> I think Google could learn a bit from Microsoft and MSDN which has top
> notch, developer-centric custom service <http://connect.microsoft.com> and
> documentation <http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.aspx>. Despite
> Android being an open source project, the primary responsibility for support
> falls on Google. I feel that the Market would have a lot more fantastic apps
> if Google took a more active hand in developer relations.
> --
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Dianne Hackborn
Android framework engineer

Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
answer them.

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