Getting a list of installed Activities is relatively straight-forward, but 
getting a list of installed Services is... less so...

final Intent mainIntent = new Intent();
final List<ResolveInfo> pkgAppsList = 
getPackageManager().queryIntentServices(mainIntent, 0);

This code returns a list of zero items..  I've tried a number of varying 
Intents and searched on this forum and Google, but to no avail..

What I want to be able to do is provide a list of installed Services for the 
User to be able to choose from. My app would then start and stop this 
Service at their request.

I suspect that the Intent I am querying with is 'wrong' ,but I'm not sure 
how to rectify it. In the case of Activities you simply look for Activities 
that can be started with Intent.ACTION_MAIN and Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER, 
but it's less obvious what is the equivalent for Services.

Any ideas how I might achieve this? The API suggests that this is eminently 

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