On Nov 29, 12:15 pm, Noam  Wolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a BroadcastReceiver which acquires a lock onReceive.  I use an
> alarm manager with AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP set to broadcast my
> intent.  I have found that when the phone is locked (and asleep) it
> will not wake up sometimes, and when it does many times it will have a
> delay (up to 30 seconds from when the alarm manager was supposed to go
> off).

I'd been having some weird issues with AlarmManager seemingly not
firing my alarms when the device is asleep. I'm using the alarm to
start a service and I was acquiring my wake lock in onStart(). I tried
acquiring the lock in onCreate() instead, and that seems to have
solved the problem. I know that doesn't help you with your
BroadcastReceiver, but perhaps you can rework your app to use a
Service instead?


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