Actually, I am pretty sure that it is a 9-patch drawable, since the name

Here is a(nother) dumb question: what app can I use to do this editing.
I didn't see anything in Gimp (using Ubuntu) that would allow me to set
or modify any margins.  Nor did I see anything about transparency.

Looking again at Widget Design Guidelines page I see that they posted
size-specific .psd files.  If that's the case, it means that it is NOT
where I got my widget_frame 9-patch.

>>>>> "KV" == Kostya Vasilyev <> writes:

   KV> Jake,

   KV> If you need to remove the margins - well, remove the
   KV> margins. They are in the image, should be easy with any graphics
   KV> program, preferably you would make the image itself take a larger
   KV> portion of the canvas.

   KV> Using negative values for padding or margins are, AFAIK, not
   KV> supported (which would be another way, if it was possible).

   KV> As for transparency, those template backgrounds definitely have
   KV> transparency in them. If it's not showing up, perhaps you have
   KV> other images or view attributes that get in the way, or it could
   KV> be that you saved them with transparency disabled.

   KV> Finally, you might want to make a 1x1 background yourself, so it
   KV> doesn't have to be scaled at runtime, and that your widget looks
   KV> more crisp. A nine-patch drawable would let you share the
   KV> background between 1x1 and other sizes.

   KV> -- Kostya

   KV> 30.03.2011 17:28, Jake Colman пишет:
   >> I suppose that this is more of a graphics question than an Android SDK
   >> question but maybe I can get some help anyway.
   >> I downloaded the 2x1 widget frame from the Developers Guidelines page.
   >> This frame scales to 1x1 without an issue if I set the
   >> minHeight/minWidget parameters accordingly in the providers file.
   >> My problem is that the widget appears to have margins that are getting
   >> in my way and the background is opaque.
   >> How can I remove the margins from that widget (I want to display my text
   >> centered horizontally and vertically but need more display area) and how
   >> do I change the background to make it translucent?
   >> I am working on a Ubuntu VirtualBox and tried working with Gimp but
   >> could not figure anything out.
   >> Can anyone point me in the right direction or, better yet, just point me
   >> to a proper .png that I can use?
   >> Thanks.

   KV> -- 
   KV> Kostya Vasilyev --

   KV> -- 
   KV> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
   KV> Groups "Android Developers" group.
   KV> To post to this group, send email to
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Jake Colman -- Android Tinkerer

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