I am trying to retrieve a file from my local ftp server "Note: both
the client & server are local running on the same machine". I use
"pyftpdlib" library for running my python server & "FTPClient" library
for my Android Client.

What happens is the that the client gets connected and logged in. The
client is running in Local Passive Mode. But when calling the
client.retrieveFile(.....);. I get an Exception on the emulator saying
"Exception/ip:port - Connection refused".

Here is my client code:

FTPClient client = new FTPClient();
boolean login = client.login("User", "1234");
 if (login) {
    File file = new File(getExternalFilesDir(null), "test.txt");
    OutputStream fos = new BufferedOutputStream(new
    client.retrieveFile("/testing/test.txt", fos);}
    else client.disconnect();
    }catch (IOException e) {

This is a screenshot of what happens on the server side: http://bit.ly/hS6BCc

When I tried deleting a file on the server through the client it
worked well. But I faced the problem mentioned when trying to download
a file or uploading a file on the server.
Any Help please, Thanks in advance.

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