You can always go with AES or 3DES algorithm. I would always prefer
AES over 3DES when it meant for local storage and security is
concerned. As a blackberry developer I would prefer using 3DES
(Because it was one of the practice adopted by Blackberry world) when
it is meant for data transfer over net. I continued the same practice
for Android applications too. But if you are not concerned with very
high security DES is OK, but I have not tested that.

One more thing is never forget about bouncy castle API it shall
support all most all preferred encryption techniques.

Best Regards
Sudhakar Chavali

On Apr 5, 1:17 pm, madushanka <> wrote:
> can i use the Blowfish encryption algorithm to encrypt and decrypt the
> files? i read that Android SDK not support to the Blowfish
> encryption.  If so what is the good algorithm should i use? Please
> give me some detail description.

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