On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 1:07 AM, Brill Pappin <bpap...@sixgreen.com> wrote:

> But onCreate is called before onCreateView... which is where my confusion
> really stems from.
> The fact that I need to initialize my internal components in onCreateView
> means it has to happen after onCreate.

Well any initialization that involves your views needs to be done in
onCreateView() or later.  Just don't put that code in onCreate().

> Also, I'm not clear on whether i can access my internal components after
> calling inflater.inflate in onCreateView or not. Since I have to return the
> View created there, the parent activity doesn't have it yet, so i'm
> expecting a call to getActivity().findViewById to fail... unless just the
> act of inflating will make them available (black box magic code)?

Your fragment should never use getActivity().findViewById() to access its
internal components.  Jat call View.findViewById() on your own view

Dianne Hackborn
Android framework engineer

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provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
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