The Viewsonic G-Tablet can be purchased for $299 on Amazon.  It's not
an "official" Google approved tablet and doesn't have the Google
Android Market on it, but I find that it's great for testing.  Of
course, it's not a phone and has only wifi, but that's fine for the
type of apps I'm working on.  I usually use to pull apk's
down from my PC and test them.  Here's a link:

On Apr 18, 3:49 pm, #13point7 <> wrote:
> If you sign up to be an Android Developer 
> ( you can purchase an unlocked Nexus
> One from Google - price is a bit steep at $479 though. For future updates,
> honestly nothing is really guaranteed. The newer Nexus S with Gingerbread
> would be your best bet to recieve future upgrades.

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