On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 11:37 AM, MichaelEGR <foun...@egrsoftware.com> wrote:
> I did finally isolate the issue after 3 days since I had to start from
> a most fundamental level (thorough review from GL context creation on
> up)... There seems to be a change to NIO buffers that is not playing
> nice with the extended API I have built with them.. In particular it
> appears the implementation of the "duplicate()" method is f'ed up in
> HoneyComb!!!!
> The extremely sad thing is that things work fine OS 1.0 - 2.3... So
> what got borked with "duplicate()" in 3.0?
> This makes me _EXTREMELY_ unhappy BTW as a large amount of code all
> throughout TyphonRT relies on the extended NIO API in TyphonRT! Very
> very very lucky that I was able to find a workaround, but Auriga3D is
> borked still and there are many rendering artifacts and this bug
> seriously impacts my work / product. I write near bullet proof code
> and am pushing Java and Android rather far, so I am now calling "IT

I suggest that you calm down, ease up on the childlike ALL CAPS AND
EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!, get rid of the profanity, and simply state that
you believe that there has been a regression.

> I am
> positive the implementation of "duplicate()" is broken or changed as
> it worked perfectly fine from 1.0 to 2.3 OS (recall I've been
> developing over the whole range of OS releases with this code and
> ported TyphonRT over from the desktop early on!)

Then, most likely, it would have taken you less time and less typing
to write a test case that demonstrates the regression, then provided a
link to it as part of your post.

> While my rage is existential there is no doubt some serious
> unhappiness here as every release of Android except 2.3 (as far as I
> know) has major problems for low level developers. Do you guys even
> unit test? (I know you guys do, but obviously not well enough!) This
> should have been caught by unit tests!  The TyphonRT NIOBuffer API has
> worked perfectly fine on the desktop for years and all Android
> versions 1.0 to 2.3!

Bugs happen. Cursing, shouting, and insulting developers will neither
make the bug go away nor improve the quality of future code. Moreover,
claims of bugs without reproducible test cases are next to useless, as
any professional developer should realize.

> Should I file a bug?

Yes. I cannot tell if there already is a bug report for this on
b.android.com, because "duplicate" appears in quite a few issues,
courtesy of issues being flagged as "duplicate". However, there
doesn't seem to be any hits on both "duplicate" and "nio", so I am
guessing that it is not there.

That being said, don't bother if you're not going to provide a
reproducible test case.

> I've already spent too much time tracking down
> the problem to create a separate test case.

If quality was your top priority, you would not have wasted your time
on the rant. Instead, you would have written the test case and
therefore provided the evidence in a fashion that could be reproduced
by other engineers. This might lead to a solution, either in the form
of a fix to Android (if there is a bug) or a fix to your code (if what
you were doing is outside the NIO contract but just happened to work).

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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