Apache - as in the HttpClient, org.apache.http.* or the web server?
Further - the browser in the phone typically doesn't use the apache
HTTP client library, it's JNI to WebKit.

The good thing is that you're not going to be able to sniff either
without building your own firmware and flashing the phone.

On 19 Maj, 13:41, Viju <mail2vija...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it possible to get all the HTTP URL request triggered by the
> browser (Apache) from my client application ? If then, can you please
> tell me the framework API which gives me the URL ?
> I'm developing some kinda of HTTP sniffer application for android
> which will log all the HTTP Url request made by the native browser
> (Apace) and store it in a local file.

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