I'd like to create an AutoCompleteTextView, and make its dropdown items to
be rendered in one separate ListView. This is just like Google's instant
search page, which dynamically show result pages in following main area.

I tried the following ways to do, but failed:
1) in inherited class of CursorAdapter, override method newView() to append
view item to ListView.
   public View newView(Context context, Cursor cursor, ViewGroup parent) {
       LayoutInflater inflater
       TextView view
       return view;
   But finally I got unsupportedOperationException. Because that after
adapter being set, adding new views to the ListView is prohibited.

2) call method mAutoTextView.setDropDownAnchor(R.id.memo_listview) to anchor
the dropdown list to the ListView. But after test, I found that the dropdown
list is not rendered in the ListView, but floating at top of the
AutoCompleteTextView view.

Please help me on this or just give me some tips. Thanks!

-- Jerry Joe

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