Not clear:  Do you want to simply be able to query the data different
ways, or do you want to be able to rearrange the order of the data and
save that?

If you know all the different ways that the data might be queried,
it's a simple matter to build static side tables for them.  If you
want to be able to "search" for individual values you can statically
or dynamically create a hashtable (or several) over the data.

Of course, none of this really works well with JSON or XML -- you
really need a flat file.  For XML or JSON you're probably better off
reading in all the data and building hashtables over it.

On Jun 9, 11:35 am, nadam <> wrote:
> Say you're reading an xml or json file from within your app (resources/
> raw or assets) and then want to show this data to the user and enable
> sorting and simple filtering. Of course you can save the data to an
> SQLite table and use sql (where and order by), but it seems to be
> overkill when dealing with ~30 kB of static data.
> Would it be more appropriate to write a custom adapter or are there
> other alternatives that you would recommend?

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