Ok I solved it:

SELECT posts.post_id, posts.post_title,
GROUP_CONCAT(categories.category_name) AS categories_name,
GROUP_CONCAT(categories.category_id) AS categories_id,
GROUP_CONCAT(tags.tag_id) AS tags_id, GROUP_CONCAT(tags.tag_name) AS
tags_name FROM posts LEFT OUTER JOIN posts_categories ON
posts_categories.post_id=posts.post_id LEFT OUTER JOIN categories ON
posts_categories.category_id=categories.category_id LEFT OUTER JOIN
posts_tags ON posts_tags.post_id=posts.post_id LEFT OUTER JOIN tags ON
posts_tags.tag_id=tags.tag_id GROUP BY posts.post_id;

Thank you very much for the hint of GROUP_CONCAT!!!

Anyway I always think that Android need something to bind Object to DB like
in web frameworks :)

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