This is in the FAQ...
"You can set a number of general window properties, such as whether to
display a title, whether the window is floating, and whether it
displays an icon, by calling methods on the Window member of the
underlying View object for the window. Examples include calling
getWindow().requestFeature() (or the convenience method
requestWindowFeature(some_feature)) to hide the title. Here is an
example of hiding the title bar:

//Hide the title bar


On Dec 15, 3:17 pm, Moto <> wrote:
> The following pictures should give you and idea.  All I want to do is
> or remove it completely or add my own png file with some text, which
> is better idea... :P
> Thanks!
> Moto!
> Sample:
> img141[dot]imageshack[dot]us/my[dot]php?image=presentation2ka0[dot]png
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