I've got two progress dialogues at the moment;

One is created in the onStart method if the app database hasn't been 
populated, the database is populated in a worker thread, and then the 
progress dialogue is dismissed using a Runnable passed to a 
android.os.Handler at the end of the worker threads run method.

The other is created in a WebViewClient and is created in the 
onPageStarted method and dismissed in either of the onLoadReasource, 
onReceivedErro, or onPageFinished methods.

Your scheme seems to the same one that Jay Liang has blogged 
the only problem is that there is a report that it doesn't work if the 
orientation is switch twice (e.g. someone playing with their phone 
screen and popping it in and out). My other concern with your method is 
how to define LOADING_DIALOG_KEY to ensure there will never be an id 
clash with anything else.


Alistair. wrote:
> Al, just some suggestions but are you managing your progress dialog
> from the worker thread?
> Perhaps I can help if I describe what I did in my app.
> My main activity view has a function 'updateData' which launches the
> background thread to fetch the data for the view. Inside the'
> updateData' I call 'showDialog' with the id of the busy dialog so:
>         showDialog(LOADING_DIALOG_KEY);
> this is _prior_ to launching the worker thread. When the results are
> returned the worker  thread calls a function in the main activity
> 'showData' which clears the busy dialog with
>       dismissDialog(LOADING_DIALOG_KEY);
> and updates the view. That is, the busy dialog is launched and cleared
> from the main activity.
> I implemented the onCreateDialog fn:
>     protected Dialog onCreateDialog(int id)
>     {
>         switch (id)
>         {
>               case LOADING_DIALOG_KEY:
>               {
>                   ProgressDialog dialog = new ProgressDialog(this);
>                   dialog.setMessage("Updating Forecast...");
>                   dialog.setIndeterminate(true);
>                   dialog.setCancelable(true);
>                   return dialog;
>               }
>               default:
>                       break;
>         }
>         return super.onCreateDialog(id);
>     }
> The problem I was seeing then was that when I switched the orientation
> of the phone when the dialog was active it was never being closed.
> I was calling the initial data fetch in the onCreate from my main
> activity. When I moved it to the onResume the problem went away. I had
> then to ensure that only the first 'onResume' call triggered the
> initial data fetch otherwise every time I returned from an activity
> launched from the main (like a properties view) it reloaded the data
> regardless. I just did this with a flag which was initialised on
> creation of the activity.
> So, I guess what  I am suggesting is that you move the function which
> fetches the data into the main activity, pass a references to the
> activity to the worker thread, only deal with the progress dialog by
> calling fns from the main activity and implement the onCreateDialog
> fn.
> Al.
> On Dec 15, 5:27 pm, Al Sutton <a...@funkyandroid.com> wrote:
>> So it looks like the problem still is unsolved.
>> That thread seems to have a nice theoretical summary from Greg that
>> doesn't actually tell you how to fix the problem using the android
>> classes available, an link to a post where one person points out that
>> the solution given only works for the first orientation change, and a
>> few more people asking how to do this...
>> Is this really a problem with no currently known fully working solution?
>> Al.
>> Alistair. wrote:
>>> I had a sort of similar problem.
>>> This has been discussed here:
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers/browse_thread/threa...
>>> On Dec 15, 4:44 pm, Al Sutton <a...@funkyandroid.com> wrote:
>>>> A code snippet which prevents an "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
>>>> View not attached to window manager" being thrown when .dismiss() is
>>>> called on  a progress dialogue box which is on screen when the device
>>>> changes orientation.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Al.
>>>> --
>>>> ======
>>>> Funky Android Limited is registered in England & Wales with the
>>>> company number  6741909. The registered head office is Kemp House,
>>>> 152-160 City Road, London,  EC1V 2NX, UK.
>>>> The views expressed in this email are those of the author and not
>>>> necessarily those of Funky Android Limited, it's associates, or it's
>>>> subsidiaries.
>> --
>> ======
>> Funky Android Limited is registered in England & Wales with the
>> company number  6741909. The registered head office is Kemp House,
>> 152-160 City Road, London,  EC1V 2NX, UK.
>> The views expressed in this email are those of the author and not
>> necessarily those of Funky Android Limited, it's associates, or it's
>> subsidiaries.
> >

Funky Android Limited is registered in England & Wales with the 
company number  6741909. The registered head office is Kemp House, 
152-160 City Road, London,  EC1V 2NX, UK. 

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