I have a problem. I am developing an app where I get some message
(html text) and display it in TextView. Comunication is based on JADE
and JADE-Android, but problem is not here. I can send and recieve
messages OK.
I need my TextView to disapear after some time (let say 10s) if there
is no new messages recieved. I tried Thread.sleep() but that stops the
whole thing and I don't want that. I also tried Handler.postDelayed()
and it works to some extent. Problem is, it hides TextView in any
case, even if new message is recieved before 10s is over. I need it to
hide only if there is no new message. How can I accomplish this?

Thanks for any help!

Here is the part of the code that is relevant.

In my main Activity, I create method updateText(String) -

public void updateText(String text) {
                t = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.textView1);
//              textViewHandler.removeCallbacksAndMessages(textViewHandler);
            textViewHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
                 public void run() {
            }, 10000);

In another class I call this method, when new message is recieved -

public void onMessageReceived(ACLMessage msg) {
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                MyUpdater up = new MyUpdater(act, msg);

        private class MyUpdater implements Runnable {

                ACLMessage msg;
                CaptureActivity act;

                public MyUpdater(CaptureActivity sm, ACLMessage msg) {

                        this.msg = msg;
                        this.act = sm;

                public void run() {

                        act.updateText("<b>**Sporočilo agenta "
                                        + msg.getSender().getLocalName() + 
                                        + msg.getContent());


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