hi guys, thanks for comments, i've strongly reduced the size of my
DB :-) and thigs are better now!


1 . I am working in improving the activity lifecycle and i am getting
also a message like "  appl is not responding, force quit OR WAIT".
by typing WAIT the process continues ... is there a timer somewhere ?
or it is also an "activity change" related issue ?

2. may somebody send me a ":memory:" database example ?

thanks in advance,

On Jul 11, 7:14 am, lbendlin <l...@bendlin.us> wrote:
> Or just include it as a raw resource (give the file a silly name so Android
> doesn't think it is a database) and then upon the initial program run/
> database version update  use your copy routine to place the (large) database
> stub where you need it.

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