There does appear to be a scaling problem of some sort. Here are some 
screenshots. First, the app running in the 3.1 emulator:
This is how the layout should render, with the subview in the lower right 
corner, sized to about 2x3.5 inches.
Next, the app running in the 3.2 emulator with compatibility mode. An 
interesting side note: I originally targeted API 4 to insure compatibility 
down to 1.6. In order to get the xlargeScreens tag, I had to change my 
target to API 9 but running the app with this target, even without the 
xlargeScreens tag (or any "supports-screen" tag for that matter), I got no 
compatibility button. I had to change the target back to API 4 to get the 
Compatibility button. Here's the 'shot:
Note the stretching of the subview, though the size of the edittext in the 
background has not changed. Next, we have a shot of the app with the 
xlargeScreens tag (and the API 9 target):
As you can see, the app has layed out exactly as it did when compatibility 
mode was enabled, even though the xlargeScreens tag has been added, however, 
the compatibility button is no longer available.
Here is my manifest for the last shot:
<?xml version=*"1.0"* encoding=*"utf-8"*?>
<manifest xmlns:android=**
**android:versionName=*""* android:versionCode=*"10800"*>
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=*"4"* android:targetSdkVersion=*"9"*/>
<supports-screens android:largeScreens=*"true"* android:smallScreens=*"true"
* android:normalScreens=*"true"* android:xlargeScreens=*"true"*></
<application android:icon=*"@drawable/icon"* android:label=*
<activity android:name=*".VTnotes"*
<action android:name=*"android.intent.action.MAIN"* />
<category android:name=*"android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"* />
<activity android:name=*"com.vectorcode.vTypeNotes.prefs"* android:label=*

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