My few cents:

I'm not saying Zsolt is wrong, but from my experience of (somewhat optimistically) moving raw SQLite databases produced by various versions of my Inventory app between various devices from 1.6 to 3.2 I've not encountered any problems at all, nor have any of my 25000+ users reported anything. Hence, I would say that if there is an incompatibility issue here, then it will only manifest in certain situations and it would appear that I've been lucky enough to avoid them. Both I and some of my users have also successfully altered these databases using the tools available on the SQLite site and then used them again on the phone/tablet. So there MAY certainly be issues, but apparently it is possible to avoid them too without even trying.

                        YMMV / Jonas

PS. My database format has changed over time, but in a backwards compatible way which is detected and handled as suggested in the docs.

On 2011-08-03 18:35, Dianne Hackborn wrote:
Ignoring SQLite, I would never expect to be able to go back to an older
version of *anything* and have it read the same data files created by a
newer version.

If your application were writing its own data files, do you think it
would robustly be able to read ones written by a newer application in an
older version of it?

In terms of SQLite specifically, I also wouldn't consider this a
document storage mechanism.  It is a database, and good for that kind of
stuff, but if you have data you want to transport across different
devices I really think it should be in a robustly designed document format.

On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 6:08 AM, Zsolt Vasvari <
<>> wrote:

    Well, that's a absolutely not true.  I have had at least 10 users with
    this problem. One guy actually wrote to me today who tried going back
    to Froyo from Gingerbread and couldn't open his database.   I also
    created a database in a cyogenmod emulator session and the database
    shows up as "corrupt " when trying to open it from a normal Android
    command line SQLite session.  It's easy enough for you to try if you
    don't believe me.

    On Aug 3, 7:01 pm, Mark Murphy <
    <>> wrote:
     > On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 6:53 AM, Mark Murphy
    < <>> wrote:
     > > On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 2:53 AM, Zsolt Vasvari
    < <>> wrote:
     > >> For example, if the user moves to a phone with an older version of
     > >> Android, I can support that older version of the platform just
     > >> but the user is Sh*t-out-of-Luck trying to move their database
     > >> and they cannot open their newer SQLite database on an older
     > >> of SQLite.
     > > Got any examples? AFAIK, the SQLite file format has not changed
    in some years.
     > According to the SQLite folks, there hasn't been an on-disk file
     > format change since 2006.
     > --
     > Mark Murphy (a Commons
     > Android Training in NYC:

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Dianne Hackborn
Android framework engineer <>

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provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see
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