On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 08:02:47AM -0400, Mark Murphy wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 7:56 AM, Jim Graham <spooky1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Would that equivalent be Project->Clean, which does a clean first,
> > then builds (but by default, does so for every project in Eclipse)?
> Sorry -- I meant I didn't know how to do that on every build. Yes,
> that's how you clear up the issue, but you're either manually doing a
> Project->Clean each build or your are waiting for odd stuff to happen,
> then doing a Project->Clean.

> Anyone know how to automate that better in Eclipse?  I confess that I
> still wield Eclipse like a blunt instrument...

First, note that because my laptop is FAR from the dual core 10 TB RAM
200 THz CPU (ok, that's a slight exaggeration <grin>) system that's
required to run the emulator, I have to do all work using my Motorola
Bravo (MB520) for development.  I also have not tried actually using
it as the emulator (i.e., run from Eclipse, not install with adb[1] and
THEN run from my phone, which is what I do now).  So this is based on

In my case, then, it's either Project-->Build or Project-->Clean and
then OK (or whatever it is) in the popup to tell it to proceed.


[1] and I have a zsh alias for that:
    alias adbinstall='c:/android/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb install -r'

73 DE N5IAL (/4)        MiSTie #49997  < Running FreeBSD 7.0 >
spooky1...@gmail.com ICBM/Hurricane: 30.44406N 86.59909W

        Do not look into laser with remaining eye!

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