Should have mentioned, there is a good explanation of the design
methodologies from an early talk on Google IO (by the creator, who
also has quite a few interesting things to say from a systems
perspective).  You can find it on youtube, google "dalvik" and it will
probably be the first thing popping up.


On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 2:11 AM, Kristopher Micinski
<> wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 9:59 PM, Pratik Prajapati
> <> wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> There are a lot of classes in my (big) APK which are used no where(some test
>> code is part of the APK with the actual service). Will dalvik VM keep these
>> classes in memory at runtime? ( many classes are not used to create any
>> object out of them).
>> As per my understanding, dalvik creates a single .dex file by combining all
>> the .class in the apk. Does dalvik breaks this .dex file while running its
>> bytecode and use the minimum code in memory?
> You can read about dalvik, it's very interesting.  There is a good
> explanation on the design methodology.  From my understanding, the
> idea is that you have a zygote, that can fork and already share that
> base vm implementation in memory, and have your code mmap()'d in
> memory to execute.  I wouldn't worry about having a big apk too much.
> I think (this could be a complete lie) that the way to handle this
> sort of thing is to punt it down to the systems level, which can
> handle which pieces of your code (mmap()'d) in have to stick around,
> simply as if you were reading a huge file using mapped memory (i.e.,
> linux already has good support for this, it's not just a dalvik
> problem).
> Kris

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