The Last Part

Foster Gamble: First and foremost, they’d have to control Money- and
they do. Controlling money allows them to run everything else.
They’d need to control Energy- and they do.
They already control big agriculture and world trade. They’re buying
up water supplies worldwide.
They’ve got health in their pocket- and they’re trying to suppress
Natural Alternatives.
They’d have to control what information we get and how we should react
to it.
In America the Internet, our greatest tool for communication, and
grassroots organizing, is currently not controlled or censored. But
its open status is being attacked from all sides. Governments,
corporations, and the United Nations are all attempting to take

For complete domination, dissent has to be controlled. They’d need to
take away our rights, spy on ordinary citizens, and track every aspect
of our lives.

As the day dawned, I knew that a powerful elite had almost everything
set up to rule the world, and I had the frightening realization that
Big Brother is not just coming, he is here now. We are already in the
Matrix. So how do we get out?

To envision that I realized I needed to discover what their ruling
structure looks like and how it works.

A relatively small group of families, especially the (Rockefellers),
(Rothschilds), (Morgans) and (Carnegies), along with the (Harrimans),
the (Sciffis), the (Warburgs), have been leading the controlling elite
in the west for generations.

I am not implying that every individual in these families is aware of
or active in the global domination agenda. However, I am convinced the
heads of these dynasties control the corporate and banking interests
that carry out the sinister scheme that is destroying so many lives.

Those secretly driving the agenda have been known by many names,

Leaked reports confirm that they meet throughout the world, behind
closed doors, to discuss their agenda. Then, like clockwork, their
plans begin to show up in the media, finance, corporate, government
and military arenas.
Of course, not everyone involved in these groups is in on the decision-
making. There is a hierarchy of knowledge and participation.
One of the primary symbols of the controlling elite is the “All-Seeing
Eye”. It’s on the (dollar bill). It’s on the (American mass
surveillance system) called “Total Information Awareness”. It’s on the
(British Intelligence Agency), (MI5). And it event over-sees the
(Supreme Court) complex in Israel, designed and funded entirely by the

I believe they’ve taken the majestic image of the (Cheops Pyramid) and
its legendary metallic capstone and perverted the meaning to represent
those at the top being able to track and control all those under them.

One of the painful ways this information has been used is by people
who want to promote anti-Semitism. They wrongly call this a Jewish
agenda and continue the ongoing racism that undermines and destroys so
many lives.

Let me be clear: this is definitely not a Jewish agenda. It’s been
documented that central bankers even funded both sides of World War II
as well as some of the corporations associated with Hitler’s
atrocities against the Jews.

Since these people have more money then their families would need for
generations, and since they have the power to create money, I don’t
believe wealth is their end goal.

After you have all the material things that you could possibly want in
life, what is left to excite you? And for many people the answer is
power… global power. They became intellectually elite, they began to
think that they had a plan that was better than anybody else’s plan.

They got the idea that freedom is dangerous. If you give people
freedom, you know what? They’re probably not going to use it wisely
like we think they should. We are smarter than they are and for their
own good, we should rule them.

As I came to accept the idea of a ruling elite planning for total
global domination, I began to hear these same people actually talking
more boldly and publicly about it, only they call it the “New World

When we are successful and we will be, we have a real chance at this
“New World Order”.
It is a “New World Order” with significantly different and radically
new challenges.
A “New World Order” can be created. It’s a great opportunity.

Given the condition of our world, a “New World Order” can sound like a
great idea. But I had to distinguish between what I was discovering
about global domination- a one-world  government run by an elite few-
and the reality of our global interconnectedness, which is the
realization that at a fundamental and even spiritual level, we are not
separate: we are all connected, but the agenda for global domination
is really the exact opposite.

It’s a divide-and-conquer strategy to keep us all pitted against each
other, thinking that it’s the Democrats or Republicans, the Liberals
or Conservatives who are the problem, when both parties are ultimately
serving the same plan.

I believe we’re heading toward a totalitarian world authority-
actually a military dictatorship- run by a tiny elite, who have all
the power and make all the rules. If they succeed, there’ll be nowhere
to run, nowhere to hide… think about it.

Kimberly: The whole notion of conspiracy has been so ridiculed that
it’s socially challenging just to consider it. And there’s always a
reasonable-sounding story to explain any one incident on its own. I
personally used to try to justify how the same people consistently
ended up with more money and more control by thinking they must just
be taking advantage of the situation, but not actually causing it. But
after nearly a decade of putting the issues and the evidence together,
I am convinced it is not random and that a few very powerful banking
elite families and their political and corporate partners do have an
agenda to dominate the rest of us.
Once I got the reality and the scope of the agenda, I really had to
think, how much do I want to know about this. Do I want to focus on
the worst of what human beings are capable of? I decided it is worth
knowing who these people are and how their organizations operate
because on the other side of the rage and the sadness, are clarity and
strength- the power we have to focus our efforts effectively, now that
we understand what’s really going on.

David Icke: The greatest prison that people live in is the fear of
what other people think. What happened to me as a result of all the
ridicule I went through is that I stepped out of the fear of what
other people thought. And it’s only when you do it that you realize
what a prison you’ve lived in before. And what it gave me was a
personal understanding of how easy it is for a few to control the

All you have to do is dictate the norms in society, what is considered
right and wrong, moral and immoral, good and bad, sane and insane,
possible and impossible. And, you build what I call a hassle free
zone. And if you live your life within that zone of perception,
belief, and what you say and think, then people will leave you alone
because you’re normal.

Once you step out of that pen, and you start to express your
uniqueness, what the Illuminati have created is a whole human
population of prison warders who are jumping on those that are
stepping out of the norm. It’s interesting when you get to the edge of
that hassle free zone in what you say and you think.

You’re not thinking: if I do, what about the head of the (World Bank)?
What’s he going to say? No, we’re saying, what would your mother
think? Or the guys down at the bar, or the people at work, what would
they say? And what the Illuminati have do0ne, by creating the norms,
they have created an absolute army of people to impose those norms on
each other.

Foster Gamble: their great strategy for global dominance is already
being implanted. They are carving up the world into “Super States”-
that transcend national boundaries so that we are easier for them to
manage. They have already established the (European Union) and the
(African Union). Politicians from the United States, Canada, and
Mexico under the title of the (Security and Prosperity Partnership),
have been working on the northern part of what could arguably be
called plans for an (American Union). This has been going on for years
without citizen or Congressional consent. A (Pacific Union) is already
in process.
This is the organizational chart for global tyranny, the structure for
complete control.
Here are two of the most powerful men in Europe talking about moving
to a single world government.

Jean-Claude Trichet: “It is extremely important that we, in this new
ownership of global governance have, particularly on both sides of the
Atlantic, the implementations of the same rules in the same fashion.

Herman Van Rompuy: 2009 is also the first year of global governance
with the establishment of the (G 20) in the middle of the financial

Foster Gamble: On the international level, the control banking elite
have put huge organizations in place to implement their policies,
including the (World Trade Organization), the (World Health
Organization), the (World Bank),  and the (International Monetary

(John Perkins) is a man who knows, from decades of his own experience
as a so-called “Economic Hit Man”, how the collision of banks,
corporations, and governments has taken over countries around the

John Perkins: We used many techniques, but probably the most common is
that we will go to a country that has resources that our corporations
covet- like oil- and we will arrange a huge loan to that country from
an organization like the (World Bank) or one of its sisters.

But almost all of the money goes to U.S. corporations, not to the
country itself, corporations like (Bechtel and Halliburton), (General
Motors), (General Electric), these types of organizations, and they
build huge infrastructure projects in the country- power plants,
highways, ports, industrial parks- things that serve the very rich and
seldom even reach the poor.

In fact the poor suffer because the loans have to be repaid, and they
are huge loans, and the repayment of them means that poor won’t get
education, health, and other social services and the country is left
holding a huge debt, by intention.

We go back, we economic hitmen, to this country and say, “Look, you
owe us a lot of money. You can’t repay your debts, so give us a pound
of flesh”.
As soon as one of the ant-American presidents is elected, one of us
goes in and says, “Hey, congratulations Mr. President. Now that you
are president, I just want to tell you that I can make you very, very
rich, you and your family. It’s several million dollars in this
pocket, if you play the game our way.
If you decide not to, over in this pocket, I’ve got a gun with a
bullet with your name on it, in case you decide to keep your campaign
promises and throw us out.

Sell our oil companies your oil real cheap, or vote with us at the
next UN vote, or send troops in support of ours to some place in the
world such as Iraq”, and in that way, we have managed to build a world
empire with very few people actually knowing that we have done this.

Foster Gamble: Like many people, I thought a conspiracy foe global
domination could not really work because, basically, people are just
not that competent. I thought, there’s no way they could pull off such
a scheme at the necessary level of control and secrecy.

Catherine Austin Fitts: One of the false hopes is this is all
happening because government is incompetent. And it’s a giant mistake
and people really don’t  know. And of course that’s really great air
cover for the fact that the system really does know where it’s going.
And it’s going where it wants to go, and it’s being successful at it.

Foster Gamble: Still I wondered how could something that is so big and
corrupt be kept secret?

David Icke: It’s a simple structure, and if it wasn’t simple it
wouldn’t work. And it can be likened to a compartmentalized pyramid.

If you look at any organization today, it doesn’t matter whether it’s
a transnational corporation, a university, a government, a secret
society. They are all structured as a pyramid. And as the (CIA) and
other intelligence agencies talk about, they have this need-to-know
system. Only let people know as much as they need to make their
contribution and no more.
So you take a bank, an individual bank, not that there is such a

At the bottom you’ve got the people you see when you pass your check
over the counter. Now they don’t know what the bank manager behind
them knows and is discussing. They only know what they need to do
their job. The bank manager in the office behind them, he doesn’t
know, or she doesn’t know, what’s happening at the next level, and
they don’t know what’s happening at the next level.
And eventually you’ve got few people, at the peak of the pyramid of
that banking structure. They are the only ones that know what the real
agenda of the bank is, and what the direction is that they’re going
and why.

Foster Gamble: This kind of compartmentalization explains how the
(Manhattan Project), which developed the (Atom Bomb) in the World War
II, was kept secret despite having 130,000 people working on it.

Kimberly: When I first let in the scale and the intentions of the
agenda, I felt like I had the flu for about two weeks. But then it
dawned on me, here was this well-planned, well-orchestrated attempt to
squelch human potential. And still our brilliance shines through.

Even though we’ve been systematically distracted and repressed, people
have come up with innovative, ingenious solutions to a huge number of
the problems that we face. It’s not our fault that we didn’t recognize
how organized and intentional this scheme is. It’s our challenge.

Foster Gamble: I looked at the kind of world the controlling elite
have already given us and I had to ask: What kind of world would we be
living in if they had absolute and complete domination over everyone,

Is this “New World Order” of theirs, this tiny number of people would
exercise total control over the lives of everyone through a system of
intrusive surveillance, violent suppression of dissent, and debt
slavery. Imagine tiny islands of opulence surrounded by a sea of
misery, where the mission of the mission of the military is to protect
the haves from the have-nots.

I’ve come to believe that their endgame is truly ominous, and they
will stop at nothing to continue implementing their plan.
As difficult as it may be for Americans to accept, I’m now convinced
the agenda of the global elite includes destroying the financial
strength and sovereignty of the United States.

With its history of free speech and armed revolt, America represents
the major hurdle to global consolidation of power. If they can succeed
in bringing down this country, I believe the international elite
intend to transfer the power and productivity of Americans to their
one world dictatorship- gradually taking over our lives in what (David
Icke) calls the “Totalitarian Tiptoe”.

Think about it. They’ve got us so deep in debt we can never repay it.
They’re collapsing the dollar. And they’re attempting to replace it
with a global (IMF) currency.
This press for global cashless electronic currency would enable a
central authority to financially disable any individual or group in an

Now for the first time in history, international taxes are being
proposed under the pretense of addressing climate change. Like a
trojan horse, the suggested treaty, unveiled at the 2009 (Copenhagen
Climate Conference), appealed to our concern for the environment,
while distracting us from the fact that this unprecedented carbon tax
would be paid to the (World Bank) and enforced by global police.

There are ways to address our obvious need to crucial pollution
without creating a tax base for tyranny.

David Icke: You want to change society in a way that you know that if
you do it openly you know you’re going to get an adverse reaction. So
you don’t it openly. You play Problem, Reaction, Solution.

Stage one. You create a problem. It could be a terrorist bomb. It
could be a nine eleven terrorist attack. It could be a run on a
currency. It could be a stock market collapse: a government collapse.
You tell the people, your version of A: who did it, and B: why.

And at this point Problem, Reaction, Solution would fall down if we
had a media that was in any way related to journalism. Instead, the
mainstream media is a public relations office for the official version
of events.

It turns out that President (George W. Bush) was right about (Saddam
Hussein) hiding weapons of mass destruction.

The virtually only way or source of information that the public have
about this event is from the mainstream media.

And what they are looking at stage two of Problem, Reaction, Solution
is the reaction of outrage, of key, key fear. And they want the public
to say to the government, something must be done. This can’t go on,
what are you going to do about it?

And this allows stage three, which is those who’ve  created the
problem glean that public reaction with a false story, to then openly
offer the solutions to the problems they have themselves created.

Foster Gamble: The idea of using tragedy- manufactured or simply
utilized- was deeply significant in my finally understanding how far
these people will go to achieve their goals.

It’s a documented fact that we entered the Vietnam War under false
pretense. Former Secretary of Defense (Robert McNamara) has
acknowledged that the attack on a ship in the Gulf of Tonkin didn’t
actually take place.

McNamara: Our judgment that we had been attacked that day was wrong.
It didn’t happen.

Foster Gamble: More recently, Former President (Bush) used nom-
existent Weapons of Mass Destruction as a pretext for invading Iraq.

Tactics like this are sometimes referred to as (False Flag

An interesting number of people believe that the nine eleven terrorist
attack was a (False Flag Operations) by the global elite in order to
set the stage for taking over Middle East oil and dismantling US
constitutional protections.

Most of what’s needed for a police state is actually in place.

Right now in America, any of us can be imprisoned without warning or
due cause, and we can be kidnapped, tortured, and assassinated,
legally, if the government decides what we are doing is a threat to
their plan. All they have to do is name us as a suspect in their so-
called war on terror.

We’re being watched more and more. In 2010 there were 30 million
surveillance cameras recording us in the US alone. When we demonstrate
we’re now relegated to what are euphemistically called “free speech
zones” – zones? For free speech?

Every phone call and Email we send is collected and archived, and can
be inspected at any time.

Our driver’s licenses and passports have  computer chips implanted in
them to track our every move, and now hospital patients are getting
these same chips implanted under their skin. In fact it was (Procter
and Gamble) who developed these chips initially for tracking their
products. It’s always offered as a way to help, but even an Assistant
Director of Central Intelligence has admitted  it’s an entry point to
getting all of us chipped for better tracking and control.

These would-be controllers, through the (US space Command), have
outlined a plan called “Full Spectrum  Dominance”. Sophisticated
satellite surveillance, as wall as “directed energy” and “laser
weapons”- which are already developed- have the ability to target
dissenters anywhere on earth.

I believe they are also trying to ensure they can deal effectively
with any resistance. (FEMA) “containment camps” and railroad cars with
shackles have been recently constructed or refurbished all over the
United States for use in what officials call “times of pandemic or
civil unrest”.

There is one more brutal realization about (Global Dominance Agenda)
that I need to share. This was a horrible one for me to grasp, but
without it, this inquiry would be dangerously incomplete, and our
solution strategies would be inadequately informed.

In my research, I came across convincing evidence that their plan
actually includes the elimination of the majority of the world’s
population. As sick as it sounds, it makes sense that they would be
better positioned to succeed in their quest for absolute control if
there are fewer of us to manage. Every time I’ve thought, “They
wouldn’t do that….” I discovered I was wrong.

I found startling documentation that eugenics is one of the core
pillars of their plan. Eugenics is the practice where some people get
to decide who us worthy to breed and who is not. Sterilization is one
of the many insidious ways this covert plan is being implemented.

In 1904, the (Carnegies) funded the first eugenics  laboratory in Cold
Spring Harbor, Long Island. The (Rockefellers) funded involuntary
sterilization of people of color through their eugenics programs, and
funded the (Kaiser Wilhelm Institute) in Germany to further the racial
supremacy agenda later adopted by (Hitler).

In 2007, the (US Department of Agriculture and homeland Security)
funded a proposed project to aerial spray over 7 million people in
urban areas of Northern California. After citizens organized against
the plan, officials were forced to reveal that the spray included
multiple toxins than can cause disease and disrupt the reproductive
cycle. Fortunately, civil resistance stopped the project.
The US government has been caught over 30 times covertly experimenting
with toxic chemicals on its own citizens from soldiers, prisoners, and
Native American reservations, to entire towns and countries.
Most covert sterilization of women and girls, usually secret additives
to vaccines, has been exposed in Brazil, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua,
Mexico and the Philippines. These have been under the auspices of such
programs as: (John D. Rockefeller’s Population Council) and the (US
Department of health, Education, and welfare), where (Nelson
Rockefeller) was Under Secretary, who had also founded (World health
Organization Novarts and Syngenta), in cooperation with the (Us
Department of Agriculture) and the (Department of Defense), have field-
tested a spermicidal strains of (GMO) corn that would render male
consumers infertile. This was quietly announced as a “contribution to
the world over-population problem”. The list goes on and on…
Right now, global human fertility is plunging. I am convinced that
this is no accident. For me, being willing to consider and research a
direct de-population agenda was crucial to my getting the whole
picture, and to generating responses that could be sufficient to the
task we face.

I know this may sound crazy, but imagine that it’s 1932 and we’re in
Germany. If I told you that in the next decade millions of people
would be exterminated, you would say, “Impossible! No one would do
such a thing!” This is what depopulation looks like today.

I’m convinced that I am not overstating the case. Could I be wrong?
Perhaps… but what if I’m not?

We are at a critical fork in the road in human evolution. One road is
leading toward tyranny and possible self-destruction.

The other world would lead us to a peaceful, healthy civilization
based on honoring the rights and freedom of every single person on the

To set off in this new direction, it’s up to you and me to clear the
road- the time has come to say “enough”- There is another way. I
believe that together we have the knowledge, the resources- and the
solutions- to meet that challenge.

I see this process as nothing less than a struggle for the soul of
humanity. It begins with a shift in worldview, answering the question:
who are we… really? What is Human Nature? Are we humans what the elite
would have us believe: stupid, greedy creatures, who, if left to our
own devices, would devolve into violence an chaos, and so, for our own
good, must be ruled over by a self-appointed elite?
Or, are we naturally caring and creative…

I believe when people are healthy and have what we need to survive, we
can create a world based on integrity, freedom, and compassion- a
world where everyone can thrive.
Which of these two views will shape our future? That is our choice,

The agenda of the ruling elite is the product of a destructive
worldview based on their beliefs that there is not enough to go
around: that some people are more deserving than others, and that
their own safety depends on maintaining absolute control over the rest
of us. In short, their worldview is based on scarcity and fear.

But as powerful as they are, the architects of the “New World Order”
cannot create their dreadful vision without our collision. To stop
them- to render their agenda obsolete- we have to wake up. We have to
take action.

Elisabet sahtouris: This like the last effort of a particular phase of
civilization. It’s last gasp really, and I often use the metaphor of a
caterpillar becoming a butterfly, because the caterpillar crunches its
way through the ecosystem. It’s very destructive, it eats three
hundred times its weight in a day, until it’s too so bloated that it
hangs itself up and goes to sleep, and it’s skin turns into a hardened
And then in it’s body you get these imaginal cells, biologists
actually call them that, forming within the caterpillar’s body… and
the caterpillar’s body becomes a nutritive soup for those cells.
But what is important about that metaphor is that the old and the new
coexist for a while and it’s the job of the caterpillar to preserve
its life.

It’s a desperate government that we have now trying to control oil in
the Middle East, and wanting now to promote nuclear energy and all
these things. They know better, but they have to play out the role of
protecting themselves, it’s their job. And if you love butterflies you
don’t go around stepping on caterpillars. So we can’t hate them: it
doesn’t do any good.
But if you want alternative energy you don’t ask oil economy
administration to produce it for you.
We have to produce it. We imaginal cells have to show that it’s
cheaper, more efficient and, and more effective. Our job is to build
the new world.

Barbara Marx Hubbard: If we had the vision and a worldview that says
our crisis is a birth, and everybody’s needed, and everybody will have
more of what they truly want, you could turn this desperate world into
a renaissance of human creativity and love.

Foster Gamble: It may seem that the controlling elite have all the
cards, but we have many advantages of our own.
First, let’s talk numbers. Very few people are consciously
perpetrating the domination agenda. Most of those helping to implement
the plan don’t understand the full picture of what they are a part of.
By my calculations, we outnumber the actual architects of the plan by
more than a million to one in the U.S. alone.

Entrepreneur and environmentalist (Paul Hawken) estimates there are
now well over one million organizations in the world that work towards
social and environmental justice, comprising the largest social
movement in the history of mankind.

This movement, when connected electronically, could become a network
of networks that will be the most powerful activist force for change

Paul Hawken: If you look at the people who are involved with restoring
this Earth, and stopping the damage, and resisting the depredation,
and nurturing change, and re-imagining what it means to be a human
being, and you’re not optimistic, then you might want to get heart
checked, you know, because there is an extraordinary, beautiful,
gorgeous, fierce group of people in this world who are taking this

Foster Gamble: The second important advantage for us is that all the
power centers that the elite control require our participation. If
enough of us withdraw our support, their plan can’t work.
This is true of the central banks, the military, the corporate media,
the government and more. And, following the models of (Mahatma Gandhi)
and (Martin Luther King. Jr.), we have the power of non-violent non-

It takes tremendous energy, resources and deception to try to dominate
the lives of others. In moving toward freedom, on the other hand, we
have on our side the evolutionary life force and what (Gandhi) called
(Satyagraha), the simple power of truth.

Dr. Vandana Shiva: In India we have thousands of villages which are
now freedom zones, so we will not accept patenting, we will not
cooperate with it, just like (Gandhi)  did not cooperate with salt
laws. We will not allow chemicals and genetically engineered crops to
enter our ecosystems because they threaten this biodiversity.

And this freedom movement, which is a freedom movement for all species
not just for individual humans, is something that’s growing so fast
and is reflected in the movement for (GMO) free zone in Europe.

I turn my back and there’s another thousand (GMO) free zones, 90% of
Italy, 90% of Austria. The freedom zones around the seed, around food
are creating massive shifts.

Foster Gamble: in Bolivia, a grassroots movement took to the streets
relentlessly banging pots and pans and eventually stopped the foreign
corporate takeover of their water sources.

Though very little is shown by the corporate media, there are
countless success stories going on every day, all over the world.

I wasn’t willing to make this film until I knew there were responses
that are a match for the crisis. And now the power of the Internet
enables us to share the breadth and depth of this research.

Kimberly: We’ve spent years creating a vast website.


That brings it all together and makes the information and
what we can do about it accessible to everyone.

Here you have your very own Navigator module to go deeper into the
main subjects covered in the film: Code, Problem, and Solution.
You can study strategies and tactics… and connect with others to take
high-leverage actions.

Foster Gamble: Every aspect stated in this film has been independently
verified and the reference is on our website.

This Sector Navigator facilitates whole systems thinking that
recognizes that actions in one area impact all others.
The center of the Navigator is “Worldview” because it determines how
we experience everything that happens within and around us.

In every Sector, you’ll find critical issues, resources, group
strategies and individual actions to peacefully and productively
effect real change.

Our Resource Tree will link you to the people, organizations, and
media that we most recommend to help you get more fully educated and

I was encouraged to find that there is minimum number of actions
which, working together, can tip the scale. It, s not endless. Once we
see the big picture, we’ll look at what each of us can do to help
accomplish it.

Let’s take a look at the strategic antidote to their economic

We need to:
Stop any more bailouts of banks or corporations.
Dismantle the (Federal Reserve).
Withdraw taxpayer support from central banking agencies, such as (IMF)
and (World Bank).
Allow development of alternative currencies and independent banks, and
refuse international taxes.
My main emphasis is on Solutions in the United States, because that is
what I know best, but just as the predicament is global, so are the
principles on which the Solutions strategies are based.

Kimberly: Here are some tactical actions that we can take as
individuals, that don’t take much time or money to make a real
difference right now.

Get informed, speak up and connect with others.
Bank locally. When we move our money out of the big centralized banks,
and into locally owned banks and credit unions, we defund the problem
and fund the solution all in one move.
Buy and invest responsibly. Every dollar you spend sends a message.
Join the movement to audit and end the (Federal Reserve). It, s
robbing us.
Join a coalition to keep the Internet fair and open. Don’t let anybody
take control over it.
Support independent media. Get your information from diverse source
and think about who is funding the news you get.
Support organic, non (GMO) farming.
Join movements to bring about honest elections, including traceable
paper ballots and campaign finance reform. Congress can only be
accountable to us when corporations stop funding them.
Advocate for renewable and new energy technology. Bring the
conversation about free energy onto the open. It will transform the
power dynamic on this planet faster than anything in recorded history.
Sign up for critical mass actions. It,s a strategy to leverage our
power by waiting until a huge number of us agree to participate before
taking an action. Imagine a million of us acting in unison. Then
again, imagine even more.

Foster Gamble: I’ve been inspired by how many grounded solutions and
real-life problem-solvers there actually are. (Aqeela Sherrills) is
one person who’s work especially touched me. E helped broker a gang-
truce between the Crips and Bloods.

Aqeela: One of the things we discovered in the process of waging peace
in the neighborhood was that conflict is healthy. It’s unresolved
conflict that actually leads to violence. When we first launched a
peace treaty we had a lot of success in our first year, gang homicides
dropped 44% in the neighborhood based upon our actions.

Foster Gamble: (Aqeela) describes what happened when two rival gang
leaders finally met after the truce.

Aqeela: The brother came up to him and told him, “Man, look, I know
you’ve got some hard feelings for me- maybe I’ve some hard feelings
for you.” He said, “But because of this truce, man,” he said, “I’m
willing to put all of that to the side.” And he stuck out his hand, he
hugged him, and he said he closed his eyes because he was preparing
for a sharp knife to enter his back. He was waiting for a bullet to be
shot into his stomach. But, he said, after a few moments he held that
embrace, he realized that it was genuine.

Foster Gamble: I believe that having clear picture of our potential is
as important as uncovering what stands in its way.
So I want to take you to a possible world of the future. It’s a world
the elite would have you believe iam an impossible pipe dream, but I’m
convinced it’s a world that is utterly within our grasp.

We can create a world where people can thrive- where we can feel safe
and secure, the air, water, and food are clean, a world where
communities are capable of producing their own energy and food and
trade is open and fair.

Rather than focusing on punishment, instead justice restores lives and
Insurance pay doctors to keep people healthy.
Education is voluntary, serving the needs of individuals instead of
We get honest feedback from independent media.

There are two subsidies and no bailouts.

Imagine that with an honest money system, little or no taxes, and low
electric and fuel bills, you would have the money to pay off your home
and car and be free to save and invest. You would enjoy more wealth,
freedom, and security- all while working the same, or probably less.

Catherine Austin Fitts: let’s say I started a mutual fund for my
neighborhood, and all the neighbors had stock. Ok. And so they healed
the environment, and their stock went up in value. So instead of
getting drained financially, they’re making money from things that
make their kids safer, and prevent the planet from dying, s you kind
of have your cake and eat it too. Instead of working all week to make
money, and then coming home and trying to save the planet on the
weekends, you can spend Monday through Friday making money saving the
planet, and then, you know, go to the beach!

Foster Gamble: This vision of a thriving world is based on what could
be called the liberty perspective. There is a simple principle that
underlies this approach- non-violation. Nobody gets to violate you or
your property, and you don’t get to violate anyone else, except in
genuine self-defense.
This is the one rule I have found that every single person agrees
with- at least for themselves.

I believe that non-violation is the True North of humanity’s moral
compass and our core Navigating Insight. This insight can guide us and
protect each and every individual as we set up voluntary, self-
sustaining systems. It is away of living that I can stand for whole-
heartedly, and without reservation.

I’ve been profoundly influenced by the work of Austrian economist
(Ludwig von Mises), who developed a whole philosophy and economic
system based on the core ethic of non-aggression. Motivated by having
witnessed the ravages of Communism and Fascism in Europe, he committed
his life to finding a just way. He recognized that those systems, as
well as Socialism and even Democracy, wrongly assume the rights of the
collective or “the group” to be more important than those of the

I had always gone along with the view that more people will thrive if
we consider the group’s needs above the individual’s. But when I took
a closer look I found it doesn’t really work that way.

In the name of what’s “best for the group”, governments have been
responsible for most of the war, death, and destruction on the planet-
more than 200 million individuals were killed in the 20th century

So how would applying the principle of non-violation change this
dynamic? It would take us from incremental change of a fundamentally
flawed system to a complete transformation where not just some, or
even the majority… but everyone could truly have the opportunity to
thrive… In order to implement the principle of non-violation it makes
sense to me to honestly reexamine our past because it doesn’t work to
try to build a healthy living system on top of an unhealthy one.

Daniel Sheehan: We have to go back to the most fundamental acts of
injustice upon which the country was founded. The seizure of the ands
of the people, the slaughter of their women and children, and the
rendering destitute most of the remnants of these people is such an
egregious wrong that we believe that we have to deal with that to come
to grips with that in a fundamental way. Understanding they are not
wrongs that were done and completed 150 years ago. They are wrong that
are continued every single day.

Evon peter: So you have through the history of North America and the
United States over 500 treaties signed with Indigenous Nations where
every single one of them now has been violated.
You have in fact a tremendous amount of wealth having been generated
from Indigenous people’s lands and resourced and billions of dollars
every year still being generated by corporations and European Nations
based on the continued exploitation of Indigenous people’s lands and
If we didn’t have large corporations, if we didn’t have Western
governments defending how you and I were to relate to each other
living here in North America now together- how would we relate to one
another? How would we make it different?

Foster Gamble: It’s going to take time and courageous effort to shift
the consciousness and accomplish the tasks that will move us toward
the world I’m talking about. And yet I know of no greater gift that we
could give to future generations.
We can’t do everything at once. I envision three overlapping stages of
the solutions process.

In stage 1, we bring as much integrity as possible to our current
system. If we cut the US military budget in half it would still
roughly equal the defense spending of the entire rest of the world.
Between that and getting rid of the (Federal Reserve), over a trillion
dollars a year would be freed, enough to feed everyone on our planet,
deal with social issues, and heal our environment.
Many people believe that wide-spread starvation and poverty are
inevitable, but compared to war, eliminating poverty and restoring the
environment are cheap. According to (Lester Brown’s Earth Policy
Institute), it would take under 200 billion dollars a year to restore
the Earth’s environment and meet global social goals.

But this stage isn’t the end goal of the liberty perspective.

While this stage 1 has a lot of the compassion typically associated
with a liberal democrat agenda. Stage 2 reflects much of the wisdom of
the traditional conservative worldview.

In stage 2 we shrink government’s role to protecting individual
liberty and stewarding things we share in common, like ecosystems and
the airwaves we use to communicate.

As the system gains integrity and we move to sound currency, people
will have enough money to have more control over everything that
affects them.

Stage 3 grows out of the increasing freedom that people gain in stages
1 and 2, as they have more money and more time.

There is no voluntary tax, and therefore no voluntary governance.
There’s no monopoly on force. There are rules but no rulers.
Rigorously protecting individual rights turns out to be key for
honoring our independence. We can be distinct and unified at the same

As utopian s this can sound at first, I’ve been thrilled to see how
much practical thinking has been done to deal with tough issues like
health care, crime, and education. These three stages validate the
best of both the liberal and conservative perspectives that have
divided us for so long- and then reconcile them at a new level- around
non-violation, a core ethic we all share.

Stage 3 honors human incentive and finally includes the rights of not
just many, not just most, but everyone.

The torus provides a template for a society based on integrity and
It conserves what’s working, and   it has built in feedback so it can
self-correct and innovate the mainstream balance. We can apply these
and other features of the torus dynamic to our human social system.

I truly believe that aligning consciously with the fundamental life
energy pattern at every level, physical, emotional, mental,
interpersonal and environmental is ultimately the art, the science and
the celebration of love. And that’s what we are here to learn.

The fundamental insight of our interconnectedness changed the way I
approach everything. In my own life, I found a practical expression of
this philosophy in the modern, non-violent martial art of Aikido.
It offers powerful guidance on how to respond effectively and non-
aggressively to the Global Domination Agenda.
(Morihei Ueshiba), its founder, taught that to practice Aikido, one
must mimic the movements of atoms and galaxies.
Just as “free energy” technology blends with the toroidal pattern to
access unlimited energy, Aikido, the “Way of Harmony”, blends with the
energy of an attacker, re-directing it to peaceful resolution.

(Gandhi) and (King) applied those principles of non-aggression power
at the economic and social levels.

If we respond with violence to the Global Domination Agenda- other
than in self-defense- it would only continue the old “us vs. them”
paradigm, and provide an excuse for even more police state measures. I
believe that it’s essential, both morally and strategically, that we
take the path of non-aggression.

There is another aspect of the torus that has profound implications
for how we can respond to the challenges before us. It is absolute
stillness- the “zero point”- that lies at the center of each toroidal

I believe that you and I- as well as every other being- are torus
energy fields centered by stillness and each connected to one another
and to the boundless consciousness of a living universe.

As much as I benefit from the experience of others- as highlighted
here with the Navigating Insights- ands as valuable as daily feedback
is about what’s really going on in the world- as we see with the
Vitals, I’ve come to recognize that our primary compass is our own
inner guidance.

As we learn to quiet the noise and amplify the inner signal, we can
better hear the voice that naturally knows and offers wise direction.

Angel Kyodo Williams: We have an entire inner life, a vibrant and
lively inner life that is truly the navigator of the path that we take
on the outside. If your inner life is the driver of how you show up in
the world, it makes sense that if you want to have anything to do with
where you’re going that you have to be in relationship to that inner
life, you have to be in relationship to the driver.
As we develop increased relationship to who’s in the driver’s seat,
what happens is there is a synergy. It’s a symbolic relationship that
our inner lives actually able to be more in tandem with where we’re
choosing to go, and we’re able to get there.
We’re not merely as insignificant in our impact as we think we are.

Deepak Chopra: In order to heal the world we have to start telling a
different story to ourselves and we have to start engaging in a
different story with others. It is our collective story that manifests
as the world.

Elisabet Sahtouris: Humanity is now in a very interesting evolutionary
phase in which we move from hostile aggressive competition, which is
the nature of young species, into a more mature mode of cooperation,

Amy Goodman: There is no question in this country that money, that
capital is being increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few. And
those who are so powerful are concentrating it further. But there is a
force that is more powerful and that is the power of the people.

Barbara Marx Hubbard: When we look at the crisis now it is so easy to
fall out of love with life. It is so easy to get pessimistic and
desperate. But from my perspective, the crisis has matured to the
point of being on the threshold of mass awakening. And that, that
feeling, inside me, gives me the vitality to know that no mater how
small what I’m doing looks to me, in the face of these huge problems,
that the impulse of evolution is not small. And when it’s in everybody
who’s waking up, it’s huge.

Foster Gamble: And as more and more of us are waking up, linking up,
and daring to speak up, the scheme for Global Domination is being
exposed. And we are discovering solutions that can create the world we
yearn for and deserve.
Again and again, throughout history, when people have recognized
tyranny rearing its cruel head, they have come together and stood up
for liberty.
I am confident humankind will look back on this period and be proud
that when we saw, we acted.
Thank you for coming on this journey with us.
I’m convinced we have what it takes to thrive… let’s make it happen.

The Universal Being: May the dream of Global Peace and harmony come to
be true, and all nations unite in one universal country with no
borders, and all resources of our beloved Mother Earth be divided
justly on all and every living being regardless of its species, color,
religion, or language.

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