
I've created a WebView, and given him an Open ID url (from Google /
Yahoo Open ID).
For some reason, after entering the user details, the view redirects
to my site behind the scenes -
I couldn't catch the redirect in any method - onPageStarted /
shouldOverrideUrlLoading and all the other WebViewClient methods (I
also tried WebChromeClient although its not related).
I can see the redirect happen through a tcpdump, and also a log from
my server (which the Open ID redirect to).

Is there a reason why the WebView make the redirect?

Some of my thoughts, which I couldn't find answers to:
- Is he checking the url, and does the redirect because of a redirect
parameter in the url?
- Should I not load the url in the onCreate of the activity?
- I'm also cleaning the cookies before entering the URL (in order to
give the user the option to log into another account),
does it make any change to the WebView?

Thanks a lot,

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